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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cox Rhode Race Half Marathon Recap

Well, I did it kids! I ran my second half marathon and although I PR'd by the skin of my teeth (1 minute according to "official" race time..but 3 minutes by my Nike+ app!) - I have to say this felt like an incredibly STRONG run even if the numbers don't show it.

First off - I again, did not train properly for this one. The plan was to start training back in February but the weather was so atrocious (cold/snow/cold/snow/cold/snow) that I didn't actually get my butt running until mid/late March. The only running goal I had for myself was to get past the 7 mile marker prior to the half. And that I did - I ran as far as 8 miles a couple Saturdays ago and did it in fairly warm beaming sunshine carefully pacing myself. Last week, I managed (while sick mind you) to run a very, VERY easy 6 miles. I felt strong despite being sick and left that as my last run before the race. I wanted to go into the half feeling like I could run strong since I just had earlier in the week.

My biggest fears were blazing sun and warm temps. I do not run well in feel like temps of 70 and sunshine. I know that sounds ridiculous but I tend to overheat very quickly. I'm one of the few that was praying for overcast skies and 50 degree weather. But instead, I got what would normally be a runner's dream - 60 degree weather and clear blue skies. This equaled feel like temp of 70 and sunshine...egads...I was panicking!

Cut to race day - I decided to wear as cool a shirt as I possibly could...very sheer cotton fabric singlet in white/blue ombre with the words "Kickin' Asphalt" and "13.1" on the back (which made it extra "cool"!). Under that a white running bra and then some fairly light weight black running capris. No hat and the hair in pig tails (my tradition for halfs now). All smart decisions. I know from now on, I must wear as light a shirt as possible when I run in the heat...it is my upper body that overheats and luckily, there was NO overheating during the half...YAY! The other variable here is that I MADE myself stop and walk at every single water/gatorade stop. When I ran in September - I felt very strong miles 1-9 and I believe was running a faster pace than I did this past Sunday. However - here's the learning curve...I hit the "wall" at mile 10 at the last half. The last 3 miles were excruciating and I walked a large portion of mile 12. I also did not stop at most of the water stations - I got my beverage but kept running with it in hand.

Making myself STOP on Sunday was very hard. But i did it and I'm glad I did because I crossed that finish line feeling good. I felt the possibility of a "wall" at mile 11 on Sunday but slowed down and when I faced a loooonnnggg gradual uphill stretch of the race during that particular mile...i walked from the middle of the stretch to the top of the hill snacking on my sports beans. Making that decision - although sucky for a finishing time and trying to PR - was one of the smartest decisions I made.

I'm very anxious to do another half only because I'm realizing I learn so much about myself as a runner during every race. 5K races although enjoyable do not challenge me like a half. I don't learn the way I do when I really test myself.

Overall, crossing that finish line felt strong and from the video my sweetheart of a boyfriend took of me coming down that home stretch - I LOOKED strong. 

And that was my goal and I succeeded in attaining it.

I'm on cloud nine regardless of my sore legs and hips. 
And even if I only PR'd by 1 minute, I still PR'd!

Also - I'm realizing that maybe 26.2 miles is not a completely crazy distance for me to consider running in 2015. Only time will tell....!

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