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Friday, April 25, 2014

So much, so fast...no time!

Hellloooooo blogosphere!

I am officially the worst blogger ever right now because I'm way way WAY slackin' on actually blogging. But I have lots of legitimate reasons for that...mostly because I'm busy living the life that I have written about for years on this very site.

I'm not sure where to begin but first let's acknowledge that today I head to NYC for Train Dirty Fitness Bootcamp Instructor Certification! Hell to the YEAH! So flippin' excited...not only do I get to visit one of my favorite cities on the planet (and my old home for 12 years!) but I get to reconnect with an old friend before the all day training tomorrow. Then I hop a train BACK home that night...it is going to be a whirlwind trip but I'm so excited and ready to take this next step in my fitness career.

Next up...I was approved as an independent Healthways Flex/Silver Sneakers trainer! This involved submitting an application, proof of my PT license and the requirement of PT insurance. So now, not only am I a certified trainer with CPR/AED cert as well...but I'm insured to practice training with clients. Holy crap...it is like one giant snowball effect (but in a good way!). The Silver Sneakers program is pretty near and dear to my heart. I will work with Senior Citizen clients in a guided, slow paced and movement based session at a variety of community centers, gyms, etc. It is all still in the works with the identifying the next steps to make that happen - but the ball is definitely rolling and getting the approval and online training was a big piece of it.

What else? Oh yes...I was chosen as one of eight individuals to speak in Anaheim, CA in mid  August at the IdeaFit Sweat Pink Blogfest & Convention! With just enough votes I squeaked my way into the top 8 and damn proud :) I have lots of prep to do including hustling to get a photosession done (next Wed!) so that I may submit a professional headshot a week from today. Again, things are movin' pretty freaking fast...hence my lack of blogging!

My new website is just about ready to go live...this means when you type in www.bodymadebetter.com at the end of next week my personal training website will come up. There will be a link on the top of the page that takes you to this blog. So, fear not - you can still come and visit and indulge my ramblings from time to time.

I think that is just about it for now...I've got a whirlwind weekend ahead of me and if I'm sounding overwhelmed it is because I AM. But that is OK. I am making peace with that feeling because that was the feeling that used to send me into reverse. Fear of success and all that crap. Not anymore...this girl is going strong.

Oh and speaking of strong - been amping up my work outs AND trying to train for my half marathon one week from this Sunday. Longest run to date was 8 miles last Saturday. Will most likely not get in another one that long before the half...but plan on doing quite a bit short runs throughout next week. I CAN do this...AGAIN.

Alright my get fitters...have a fantastic weekend and thanks for reading these brain-dump type posts...i promise to give a full run down on my NYC and bootcamp experience!

stay true,

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