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Monday, March 17, 2014

What does a health hero look like to you?

I was recently approached by the American Recall Center and I was asked if I would participate in the month of March's "Who's Your Health Hero" campaign. I was thrilled and happy to accept the invite...it was a topic that intrigued me simply because it forced me to sit down and really think about my journey to wellness to date.

After I took some time to give it a good thought, there really wasn't one simple answer. For me, the thought or realization was that there was no one person I could deem as my health "hero" - a single hero that was responsible for my still ongoing transformation, but rather, a cumulative affect of circumstances, overcoming obstacles and yes, individuals that helped lead the way to my improved health and wellness. When I reviewed the list of those that influenced me and inspired me, reviewed the moments that snowballed into a life change that I'm forever grateful for, I was able to identify one particular person that to me, is as close to a health hero as one could get. She has had a serious and positive impact on shaping and changing my lifestyle at the very beginning of it all.

That person is Holly Perkins. Her approach, knowledge, guidance and honesty are the qualities that have woven together a 
Holly Perkins
This health hero needs no cape!
superhero cape one like no other.

My own story starts this way - a year and a half after losing my mother to lung cancer, and the inconvenient truth that I was approaching the expected decline that accompanies women in their 40s, I decided it was time to take charge of my health and my body. In the summer of 2012, I reconnected with a dear friend that was thriving with her personal training business out in Los Angeles. Holly had launched a free "Summer Shape-Up" challenge via Facebook in July/August of that year. Something in me decided it was time to make the change and that for whatever reason, Holly's approach would work.

My hunch proved true. One MONTH after committing to her 30 day challenge - following her tips & tricks for substituting healthier foods, developing healthy habits and working out faithfully to her DVD with a combination of cardio and the all important strength training (in the comfort of my own living room!) - my life was changed. Not just in that moment, but from every moment onward.

Holly's approach to fitness and healthy eating is one that does not deter you from wanting to make the changes, but instead encourages you (i.e. you aren't strong armed, lectured, yelled at, nagged...). She has a way of connecting to those she trains by simply being HONEST and being brave enough to admit when she herself has had to rise up to a challenge (caffeine being her kryptonite).

She is so incredibly truthful about the struggle of it all, not just your struggles, but her own. Yes, I knew Holly prior to this experience, but I had never - interestingly enough - employed her services. One of the most amazing things is how she makes that light bulb go off over your head...how she easily translates the overload of health and fitness information in a manner that any person can understand. She connects the dots for you and knows how to lead you on your way without hand holding. Yet, you still feel prepared, informed and ready for the challenges - making sure you are armed for success. Combine this approach with her 20 years experience, her schooling and multiple certifications and it is a formula for success for those that are willing to commit to change. 

But the biggest thing that changed in me was in understanding the importance of strength training for women. As Holly has stated multiple times, women tend to be conditioned and deemed by society as "weak" or to at least play that role. Holly rises up in the face of that message (like a true caped crusader!), weights in hand...yelling her loudest, (most importantly with her actions) that women can and should be strong simply because of how it transforms you - and not just your body, but your mind. How it plays into your self esteem, confidence and not to mention the incredible benefits it brings to your body on so many varying levels.

I do realize it may sound like I've gone to the school of "Holly Perkins" but the influence of her approach, knowledge and sheer kindness is undeniable. If drinking that kind of Kool-Aid is wrong, I don't want to be right. Because, my life was transformed. Holly's super hero health status shines bright when I really think about how it has all unfolded for me.


Me - learning to be my own
health hero!
What also is so incredibly true is that you must be willing and open to change. You must be willing to, as she often says, "be uncomfortable". You have to push yourself past your boundaries in order to make the change that your mind, body and spirit may so desperately need. All these mantras and beliefs ring true for me because I've seen the results. The hard evidence is reflected in my mirror but also in my long range plans. I have opted to sew my own superhero cape and at the age of 44, transition to a career change as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. And this is where I stand by the "it was not one person" that looks like a health hero to me. We all are our own health heroes, we all must rise up, don the cape and take off. And that takes an incredible amount of courage.

Ultimately, YOU must be look in the mirror and see your reflection as your own health hero. You must be your own champion because only you can bring true change about. You will need to find the courage to be open to inspiration, direction, guidance...and that's when you can look to the skies for a little health hero inspiration and that's when I thank my lucky stars that Holly Perkins was soaring in the skies above, willing to lead the way.

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