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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Well, the only excuse for being close to non-existent on my blog these days is due to this undeniable lingering sinus infection AND lovely reaction to the prednisone they put me on to treat major swelling for my said sinuses.

I have banned myself from exercise or running for 7 days so that this bod'o'mine gets the rest it needs to heal. Seems all the meds don't mean a thing if I'm still pushing myself to run 7 miles (yup, i did that...fastest 7 miles to date too!) - but that is besides the point. I had NO business pushing myself that hard and fear it is partly why I slid back into sicky land.

Anywho! I've decided that January 1st I am starting some sort of a one month cleanse/detox. I don't want to put anything in this system except 100% natural from the earth ingredients. Doing some research now AND while I'm down and out on the physical side of things, I SHOULD be studying my shrinking ass off (I miss weighted squats! I want my butt back!).

I hope you all had a glorious Turkey Day and are prepped and ready for the onslaught of Christmas craziness :)

stay strong,

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