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Friday, October 25, 2013


So, as someone that generally has never tracked my food intake, mostly that is because I've never really been looking to lose weight (please don't hate me, I can hear you sighing!). I've always associated the terms "food tracking" and "calorie counting" with the part of the get fit/get healthy world that were looking to lose the pounds. Since that wasn't my issue, I never bothered to track anything. NEVER. Last year when I began this journey, I simply started to change and adapt my diet so that I was eating healthier and cutting out the crap (to be frank).

Well, I've been more active than I have been to date the past couple months, between running a half marathon (yes i'm still riding that high - I earned it!), strength training (not with perfect consistency, but more than I ever have before!) and pretty much monitoring what i'm eating in ways of "splurges"...but yet..my body is still holding its "fluffiness". I know I am building muscle because I can feel it and see it...but there is "puffiness/fluffiness" going on (i never know what the hell to call it...) but I can tell you, I don't like it! AND I KNOW it must be related to my diet. I especially know this because the expression "abs are made in the kitchen" is absolutely true. And my lower belly refuses to go even close to flat like it was about 6 months ago (tho my upper abs appear to be trying to fight their way to the surface so hip-hip-hooray for that!).

With this realization that it must be my diet that is impacting my progress, push-pulling with me day in and day out - arguing my points that workout and run ---but basically the fluffiness/puffiness is laughing in the face of my argument - the only solution? I'm committing to tracking my food intake. I'm kicking this off NOW. I've had the MyFitnessPal app on my iphone for almost a year and never used it. NEVER.

(i should have titled this blog post NEVER)

I was thinking that I need to be around a 1200-1300 calorie intake - a number that I will admit is not completely grounded in any science. So for the hell of it, I tried out this Fitness Magazine link to see what came up as a suggest calorie intake based on all my details. It came up with 1807. Seriously??? 1807 calories a day. Well this news completely threw me for a loop, so i've decided to take advantage of the fact that I am studying for my Personal Trainer cert and look up the proper way to calculate how the hell much I'm supposed to be eating. I've decided I need to take CONTROL over understanding what works for my body food wise, and what doesn't. And of course, learning that for myself will help me to help others learn it for themselves too (go with me on this, trying to stay positive here!)

Another big eye-opener? Check out my carb intake percentage - and not to mention I'm over all my max percentages (this was based on a 1200 cal daily intake)! I nearly FAINTED. Pardon my french but somethin' about this sh*t isn't right?! Another eye opener that I would have never had if I didn't decide to start tracking what i'm stuffing in my face and figure out what is working and what isn't. It is another example of not fully grasping the impact of food on our bodies. Although I eat pretty healthy, that doesn't cut it when you want to take yourself to the next level of fit and strong. Do not get me wrong, I'm pretty happy with my progress and some  weeks I feel like, "hey, i'm pretty good now, if i stay just like this i'd be okay with that" - BUT for the most part, that lasts only as long as the piece of toffee crunch cake is crossing my lips. I WANT and NEED to go further and this is just another part of the journey for me. It also speaks to how if you are naturally "thin" or perceived as "skinny" you do not need to track your eating patterns. Untrue. I am the proof.
As you can see, I eat healthy!

Lastly, and on a different, yet somehow related topic I would like to share that I am super excited to start working with a friend of mine on the fitness assessment section of my PT cert studies! She has volunteered to be my "test" client. I'm giddy to take some of what i'm learning and put it in action - this is how I learn best. You can only read a text book so many times before your eyes cross. Are ya with me on that one?

Honestly, the timing couldn't be more perfect, I'm becoming my own test client too - and I've heard MyFitnessPal is an excellent app - something that comes recommended as a useful too in weight loss, tracking calories, protein and fats. So as much as I'm ranting about my 76% carb intake (ha! i say!) - I'm happy to be on the right track of learning more and more about what can make us the best version of ourselves.

Happy Friday Get Fitters...get out there and make it count this weekend :)

stay strong,

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