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Sunday, October 20, 2013


Today I ran The Color Run in downtown Providence...and all I can say is WOW. I mean WOW. SO much fun it isn't even right! I knew it would be a good time but little did I know that the "after" party is where all the real good times and COLOR come in. I had more fun than I imagined...AND I also got to have an experience like one I hadn't had before.

I ran today's race not realizing there was no "chip" attached to the bib. I had my iphone with me and could have ran the Nike app even if the phone was not being carried on my arm...but I decided no. I decided this race was about fun, (not that i don't find my other races fun, but this was more balls to the walls kind of fun - pardon my francais!). I also decided that my goal was to NOT run ahead but to stay with the two incredible women I was running with. One was (and IS a runner) but  was out of the running for a while due to an injury. My understanding is that she had not run in months but still showed up for today's race. Absolutely inspiring. She thought she may end up walking it more than running...turns out she had plenty of run in her. As the saying goes "Once a runner, always a runner". My other friend, a gal that i've mentioned before (referencing my Kick Boxing post from a couple months back...she's the one that walked in like she owned the place!). She does not deem herself a "runner" but is a hell of a kickboxer (my ass wasn't made for kickboxing!). Regardless, she decided to sign up and do this run with a run/walk alternating approach. And she did awesome...I had such an inspiring experience staying with my gaggle of girls vs running ahead. I had a couple moments that the adrenaline was pumping and had little bursts of normal pace run...BUT there was so much more value and joy in the experience of making sure I crossed that finish line with them by my side. The gifts and lessons I learned today are directly related to the two women I ran with today...and to them I say THANK YOU.

It is similar to the experience I had in May when I ran the Rocky Point 5k with my boyfriend's 12 year old daughter. Her words forever changed me and my approach to any physical challenge, including running. She said "I feel so accomplished" - and it was then I realized running is SO much more than numbers and miles and minutes and records (thought it does kick ass to get a new PR - shout out to my friend Cyn who KILLED her 5k record today!!!).

Today I learned a new lesson, I really do want to be the person that is there coaching and inspiring others "you CAN do this" and leading by example with support and knowledge to help individuals find there way. It may not always be running - but we all have something that calls us out, that tests us and challenges us. For me, it is running.

This week I will continue on with my personal trainer cert studies...i'm on to Fitness Assessment chapter and it feels like a perfect topic based on my re-awakened desire and passion to work with people and help them transform themselves and their lives.

This was both an inspiring AND booty-shakin' fun run (not race :)
A day that I won't soon forget.

stay strong,


  1. this year i had something to prove to myself but next year -- we are getting the BIGGEST group of people possible together -- making tutu's mandatory (for the girls at least) and i will be walking this run to be IN the moment -- if i had known it was gonna be that much fun i would've said pfffft to my need to run and just partied like a color running rock star!
    I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS in this post!

  2. Either way...you have something to feel very proud of! My PR for a 5K is still from March's ST Pat's 5k we all did which was similar to your under 30min race PR. Honestly I'm not sure I will ever see that kind of speed again after this summer's groin pull injury...i did something that seems to be permanent when I push pace. That said, it has forced me to learn and realize other things...like what I realized yesterday at the Color Run, for me running is starting to represent more than I even imagined about my self and others. I just feel really blessed and grateful right now and yesterday's run reflected that. BUT YES - next year a huge group of ALL of us together, in tutus, having fun and kicking butt. I can tell you - I LITERALLY danced part of this run and then slow jogged (yes "jogged"!) the rest of it, some even backwards while my friend Sabrina did her walk breaks :) It was AMAZING!
