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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PR breakers!

I am going to do my best to not pull apart and analyze every part of yesterday's run, which was beyond belief.

After Sunday's amazing run of 5 miles with minimal effort but lots of endurance I was almost afraid to run again. I was on such a high from that run, I thought for sure whatever mileage I clocked yesterday would be a dissappointment (not the best mindset i know...but eh, its how i think!).

Boy was I wrong.

I felt strong right from the beginning but promised myself that moderation was key. The weather was warm, sunny and a little breezy. I soaked it all in and just kept running, careful of my form and I paid keen attention to my knee. After mile one, everything was feeling great - and much to my suprise my first mile clocked in at 9:30 minutes! Right from the start I had already broken a minute per mile PR. The rest of the run I continued to keep a similar pace but without pressuring myself into it. I tackled a hill and turned at the top to come back down - which no doubt helped elevate my speed...but that 2nd mile came in way WAY faster than I had realized - it was under 8 minutes! At the time I hadn't realized it because I only have the cues kick on when I hit a new mile - with no pace reporting because I find it messes with my head.

When all was said in done by mile 3.1 I had broken PRs for my fastest mile (7:43), my fastest 1k (5:11) and my fastest 5k (28:06!!!).

When I examine what i've done different the past two runs...all I can think about is my food consumption and the increased weight/strength training. I think especially the food is key here...I never eat enough to fuel this body properly and it shows most in my running. I have dramatically increased my carb consumption and its fueling my runs in a crazy, happy way.

Every run I learn something new, about running, about my mindset, about my will to endure and about myself overall. Running is a constant gift both in the good runs and the bad.

Feeling VERY grateful for two wonderful, strong runs this week. Let the trend continue!

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