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Monday, April 29, 2013

the perfect run

Well helloooo!

Yes, it has been a full stinkin' week since I updated this blog. And I apologize. Profusely! I could give you a run down of what my past 7 days have looked like...but I think it would be more beneficial to talk, at length, about yesterday's 5 mile run.

It has been a while, longer than I like to admit, since I have had a truly wonderful, empowering run. Although I did a few runs consisting of 2-3 miles over the past couple weeks, my knee (and my legs) just weren't cooperating. I was completing my runs...because I felt I had to. Because my heart and mind still wanted to run even though the legs weren't cooperating. All the while I stayed committed to my strengthening sessions in hopes that maybe by building my core, quads and glutes - it would pay off.

Enter yesterday morning's run.

Around 8:30am yesterday morning, I got my ass up out of bed and decided to run. I had given myself 3 days off of running because the last run left me feeling tired and drained. Of course, the fact that we are in the height of allergy season and I have horrendous allergy symptoms that result in horrible migraines, does not help. But yesterday morning...all I wanted to do was run. And so I did.

The intention was just a 5k distance, nothing too crazy...I just wanted to get it done and see how it felt. Well, I ran the 3 miles and felt AMAZING. I wanted to keep going...and I did...straight up a big hill with perfect pacing and breath. Not an ounce of pain, not an ounce of discomfort - my body was doing everything right. I was so in the "run zone" I can't even remember most of the run. It was as if I could run forever. It was beautiful...and so very much overdue. My legs for the first time since late March felt strong and powerful. They were carrying me forward with very little thought to it. My pace for a long run was excellent - lately I was struggling with 11:30 minute miles when doing anything over 3 miles. Yesterday I did 5 miles with a very steady, very solid 10:30min mile average for every single mile (averaged my split times).

I keep replaying the run in my head. Trying to recall what I did the days leading up to make my run so perfect. And I just can't come up with much. Yes, I worked my strength training a bit more. Yes, I ate MORE than I have in a while (carbs - much bigger carb intake than normal!). When I look at these two factors, I think it *may* have had something to do with it...but i'm not sure.

All I am sure of is that more than ever - i am a runner still. Even when I'm going through what seems like an endless battle to have a good run, even in those moments I am still a runner. When the run is GOOD, actually PERFECT - it just cements it for me.

I will always be a runner - for better for worse. Good pace and bad. A runner forever in my heart.

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