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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

playing catch up & a other stuff

I am just the worst right now at getting to blog posts! I apologize profusely! Between some issues at work (that have since been resolved - thank gawd) and a schedule that has gone loopy - finding time to collect my thoughts in the form of words has not been on the agenda. Until now! So here's a quick summary of life as I know it and what the past week or so has looked like...

First off, as I reported - last week was a week of breaking running PRs. I had minimal, if any knee pain or discomfort and did some good mileage for the week (11.50 miles). On Saturday, my boyfriend's daughter Marissa (who is 12) and I did the Rocky Point 5K in Warwick, RI. It was absolutely AMAZING. The course was beautiful, part of it was along the coastline of Rocky Point with the ocean crashing over rocks and the sky as blue as it comes. It also gave an opportunity to see what had become of our historic Rocky Point park property - which was the exact opposite of the very beauty the ocean view provided. Luckily the city is in talks to fully redevelop the entire Rocky Point property...which will make me more than happy. Any way - I digress! Marissa and I did the 2 min walk, 2 min run method for the length of the course. We completed it in approximately 45 minutes. To which, Marissa replied, was "awesome". We even got some tv time on the local news of us crossing the finish line! While in the truck ride home, she was looking out the window and I heard her say "i feel so accomplished". Being the mushball I am I had to suck back tears, even right now typing it out, I've got a lump in my throat. I know that forever and always, when she's all grown up, she'll remember this moment. The moment that she learned confidence and strength and beauty existed not in clothes, or hair, or make-up or body shape...but in testing your limits and being proud of your accomplishments. By inspiring her, I too felt renewed and inspired. The entire day was such a gift. We went home, relaxed a bit and then headed out for some girlie time with shopping and lunch. It was perfection in every way.

And speaking of lunch...on a seperate note...I let myself endulge in lots of foods I had not had in quite a while. And I won't lie...it was really great. What started as just adding some carbs back in (hence the realization that it was helping fuel a stronger run!) - I enjoyed some chick parm with pasta, I had dessert more than once (more like 4 times last week!) and then had a giant hamburger on a white bread bun. Gasp! The horror!

Seriously though - I decided that I felt safe enough to do this. To allow myself a week of splurges and see what happened. I kept up my work outs and running - but as all those "fitspiration" quotes tell us...you really are what you eat. You can NOT exercise yourself out of a bad diet. The impact on my body by Sunday was showing. And that was WITH my 11 miles total of super strong running...the calorie burn could not keep up with what I was shoveling in my face. And that was fine...because I expected it. The amazing news is that I MISSED the healthy eating. Alot. More than I realized. By Sunday my body felt bloated and "puffy". Its the only way I can truly explain it. That said, with the mister out of town for the next 6 days, I knew I could clean up my diet with super healthy, super yummy clean foods. I also knew I'd have more time to dedicate to my workouts and time for running. The result? Day 3 into completely clean eating and working out every day - my abs are already coming back, and I'm leaning back out. I LOVE that I now realize how much I control my body. (except for when perimenopause takes hold & then I've go NO control over that!). I'm feeling really amazing...and I intend to keep this going. It was great to eat all those naughty treats and it was empowering to know I can make the choice to eat whatever I want...as long as I understand the implications and impact on my body. I've decided it might be good for me to do this every few months. The joy of discovering living healthy is really ingrained in my being. It is not so much as a surprise as a gift to myself.

I often say in my facebook posts "you are worth every healthy choice you make". So often we view eating healthy and working out as punishment. And it makes me wonder...where did that mindset come from? Who told us that? Our bodies are amazing. They don't always do what we want them too (ie my knee giving me issues again, hence I haven't run since Saturday's 5k) but there's no reason to not get out there and own your body. Love it. Show it off. You are worth every good decision. And if once and a while you have a cycle of eating differently/less favorable for you, so be it, but remember you are worth cycling back to a healthier way of living this beautiful life of ours.

I guess I've struggled with sitting down to write this post because there really is SO much I want to say on this topic. I've had a lot of realizations. I had shopping trips the past couple days that were fruitless in my search for the right fitting jean, but ended up somehow with a gorgeous purple crocheted bikini (i have reversed it - i used to be able to find jeans, but cry when I tried on a two piece swimsuit). I've discovered my calves can't fit in skinny jeans right now...something I would have never envisioned as a problem since my legs were always called "chicken sticks". I'm wrestling with the fact that we have an actual size for women that is a size "0". And I am that woman that fits in that size. And somehow, I now find it demeaning. Where as before, I felt some sort of pride in it. Since picking up weights and examining what being fit really means, being strong & empowered - I'm lead to believe the media and fashion industry want to keep us holed up by numbers. And in my case, my number is a ZERO. Its outrageous. 

And actually...now that I'm letting this out here...I realize it may be time for another blog entry on www.blogher.com. ha!

Anyway, all is well right now...aside from missing my man - but I'm making the most of every day and letting myself enjoy the "me" time while I have it :)

stay strong and be on the look out for my www.blogher.com article!

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