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Friday, May 24, 2013

Everything Update!

As promised, I'm sitting down and making the effort to contribute a fairly lengthy, bring you up to speed blog post. Once in a while this happens though, so be warned, I will be SO good about updating the blog and then...BAM!...I suddenly am so consumed by action vs the words describing my action that I fall behind on keeping you fine blogger-rific readers up on the latest happenings.

I'm struggling to really know where to begin and where to end. The biggest thing is that I'm loving the half marathon training. Its empowering to know I'm purposely training myself for something. And this may sound odd, but I'm starting to understand where the "pressure" comes in on race day...this training will be 12 weeks in the making (although its not perfectly timed as the race is end of September...I did that on purpose to allow for setbacks...i've learned my lesson with running!). I do know that I love the discipline of it. And its easier to say "hey, I NEED to go run X number of miles today...sorry..." - it justifies the run to anyone that may view it as excessive or over-doing it. Not that i've encountered that - YET. I do forsee later in the training plan, when I need to do 6-7-8-9-10 mile runs it becoming a time crunch issue...but "its in the plan" so I am committed to completing it. And i'm both excited and petrified! A new type of exhilaration for me - (ha!).

I've also been keeping up with my Perkins workouts - arms, abs and legs - that's in addition to the running 4 times a week. I did take a few days off from the workouts while on vacation in New Hampshire. It was a wonderful break from it all, but I missed my runs and working out...how bizarre this new reality is to me. Even though I'm approaching nearly a year of this lifestyle change, it still startles me what a different person I've transformed into (re: healthy ways) in under a year. Just proof that we control our bodies (barring those with disabilities/medical challenges - I never want to seem insensitive), we can change our thoughts and lift our spirits - all things that we can "will the change" if we truly want it. Apparently, I really REALLY wanted this change.

Speaking of change, aside from a quickly approaching 10K that I'm not as prepared for as I'd like to be next Saturday - I also decided to buck myself outside my comfort zone and signed up for kick boxing classes. Wait...what? You heard...KICKBOXING classes. For a $30 groupon I get to sample 4 classes, a personal trainer session AND free boxing gloves. Woohoo! I'm petrified...PETRIFIED to take this class but a friend of mine takes it and loves it - so I finally got daring and went for it. The first class is next Thursday so wish me OODLES of luck!

Next up? hmmm? I think aside from the running and new class...I'm still really feeling hung up on the need to move more weight. I very much WANT to go back to the gym and get acquainted with the free weight area but I am so in need of guidance. And its also a matter of time again...finding the time for all of it. Thinking long range here...maybe after I'm done with training and successfully complete my first half marathon, it may be time then to shift focus to a more defined weight training plan (but i'll still run! always!).

Oh and let's not forget how much I NEED TO STUDY for my NASM Personal Trainer certification test, also in late September! I've been horrible about slacking off...although I did dedicate a couple hours to studying last Friday, but I need to and must do it more often. In fact, as I sit and type this, I think I need to really create a life calendar for myself - one that will include studying, training plan for the race and workouts. If I could get a handle on those items, the calendar would not overwelm me sooooooo!!!!

Lastly, I've been featured in a few online fitness blogger/runner sites so some of my time is being consumed by answering interview questions, crafting a decent bio and trying to find pictures that really convey where I am in my life now (fitness wise). And preferably, pics of me not covered in sweat after a 3 mile run...LOL...yeah, having a problem finding decent pics! Luckily I atleast have some nice race photos to share (see below at the end of this post). I feel very honored to be featured on some of these websites - my story is not remarkable but it seems to be a source of inspiration for some and that makes answering all those questions submitted worth it :). Here is my latest feature on TheLifeandVibesOf.com --> http://thelifeandvibesof.com/2013/05/21/runner-spotlight-series-meet-rachel/

Like I said, there is so much rambling going on in my own brain its hard to sit and type it all out...I guess the truth is I'm just so busy moving, planning, DOING that there is little time to tell you all...when the truth is...i'd rather be able to show you all. To me, the empowerment and inspiration is in the showing & the doing, not the talking it up. Lots of people can talk it up...but where are the people living it and doing it? Those are the ones I look to, every damn day, to keep me going. And that's what I hope I can do for others some day.

Well - this wasn't a terribly exciting blog post, but I promised it would arrive and here it is. I am SURE I will have something to share after Thursday's kickboxing class...eek! AND I'm sure I will vent away about my nerves concerning the June 1st 10K in Roger Williams Park. I KNOW I can do it...but just worried because I will have only reworked myself back up to 5 miles by then...but hell...what's another mile...?!?!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend...be grateful for all you have and remember those that fought for us. AND remember to make healthy choices for yourself this weekend! A splurge here or there is just fine (i will be splurging!) - but skip the chips and opt for salad or fruit. Eat the burger but maybe without the bun...have the slices of watermelon instead of the cupcakes...er...okay, no have both :) Who doesn't love a good cupcake?????

On that note...stay strong!

And since I'm about showing - here are some images from the past couple weeks that make me happy and reflect my time away from this here blog...

May 4th - Rocky Point 5K! Me and my boyfriend's
12 year old daughter ran/walked it together. We also ended up on the local evening news!
They caught us at the finish line hootin' and hollarin'...
it was so awesome and she was excited to be on TV (me too!)

This is the half marathon training plan I am following.
I pulled it from fitsugar.com - it just seemed a perfect fit for me.

True story! I am not enjoying these...LOL!

National Grid/Cox Communications 5K on May 11th!
Certainly not a PR maker, final time was 32:59. I'll take it!

And I got my first official race/finisher photos! See below!

And lastly, just some random pics and things that reflect my mindset these days :)

I am learning to have faith in the half marathon training plan.

New NB 750 v1 running shoes...they make me so happy.
Even when I have to train/run in VERY hot/humid weather. Ugh, New England!

I am in LOVE with this little guy...this is SO me!

I've been doing periodic plank hold challenges.
I love the challenge of it!

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