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Friday, May 31, 2013

Kickboxing - What a Ride!

I notice these days, my blog posts are averaging more 1 or 2 a week. And I can only apologize so much, right? Right! So I guess I'll advise that if you really want a better snapshot view of my fitness lovin' ways and daily living - following me on facebook or instagram is a quick and dirty way of seeing it all. Just send me a request and I'll approve!

Now...on to my crossfit class adventure. As you know, I do alot of working out at home and ALOT of running (for a newbie anyway) -- especially since i'm in week 3 of my half marathon training --- but amidst it all I decided to try kickboxing. Yeah...great decision right? Perfect timing...NOT! I love that I decide to take my first class 2 days before a 10K race which will prove to be a little challenging since I have not run 6 miles since the end of March. But, I digress...

It was recommended by a friend that I give kickboxing a try. I kept putting it off, putting it off and then finally, thanks to a Groupon I couldn't resist, I went for it. Cut to yesterday, I show up early to fill out some paper work, etc and notice that this class is held in a martial arts studio. There are all sorts of rules like take shoes off upon entering,  & an array of other things completely foreign to me because I never ventured into anything remotely martial arts like. So, I meet the girl who signs me up and she pretty much looks like she could kick my ass in a blink of an eye...which now, i think is awesome & inspirational, --a year ago or so, i would have thought it intimidating. She asks me some questions, mainly why am I there. I share I'm a runner (which i am still trying to get comfortable with that - calling myself a runner!) - and that i'm looking to do some cross-training/cross fit stuff that will help build core and upper body since i'm still weaker than I want to be. And then I say...wait for it...I say "and I want to have fun".

Not a peep.

Just a look that tells me "fun" is not usually something people list as a goal for taking this particular class. And now, I'm ready to run out the door (because i'm a runner, I could do it!). But instead I try to back track and say I like challenges and find the challenge of a new class "fun".

Phew! Almost a full recovery.

And I think to myself in these moments, I think about when I am a personal trainer (not if, but WHEN) - my angle will be don't fear to have fun. My angle will be work hard play harder. I see room in being fit, working hard, sweating BUCKETS AND making room for fun. Because at the end of a session or a run - I think about yes it was hard, but it was fun to push myself and see what would happen if I just tried. Its very new to me to feel this way. But I DO feel it. And I want to share with people that this isn't necessarily an inherint quality. It was a LEARNED behavior for me. I learned to love the burn of the workout, the soreness and the fun of challenging myself. THAT is what I want other people to discover.

Oops, I digressed again.

Soooo I get all signed up, kick off the shoes, get my fancy dancy kick boxing gloves and wait for my friend to arrive. She shows up and she walks in there like she owns the place. She kicks off her shoes at the door, she's wrapping her hands, she's ready to go - she's seriously my instant hero in courage at that moment because...and i'm sitting
there thinking "i miss running"...ha!...that's a true story. I literally had a moment where I thought...oh God, I am a runner...because i'm sitting there petrified of looking like a fool. And worse, not knowing what i'm doing & everyone knowing it! But THAT is the point of me being there. That was the point of me trying this. Get out of the runner comfort zone. Work hard, play harder. Punch, kick and get movin'. Give this cross train thing a go...and I did. And the support in the class was really strong, despite my discomfort at the start, I really was made to feel I could do this without judgement. It was so reassuring amidst my insecurity.

That said, it wasn't pretty, really REALLY wasn't pretty. I have horrendous coordination and getting the rhythm of the moves down was hard. Not to mention...FORM. Oy! My form is always a problem and kickboxing was no exception but the girl who greeted me at the start worked with me and was fantastic and made sure I was keeping my hips and feet placed properly. Hitting was another issue all together, my upper body had to work hard to have any impact at all. My friend was on the other side of the padded pylon/standup thingie and she was knocking it left and right. It was awesome. The place was not air conditioned so we were all sweating buckets and I needed a couple very short water breaks before I dove back in.

The most interesting part for me?

In the first ten minutes it sort of resembles a mini boot camp drill. The instructor shouts out to run for two minutes, burpees, side ways runs, pushups, planking, etc...and I ROCKED that part. It was so FUN for me! And I realized it was my favorite part...not just because I was able to keep up but because I have learned how to really love the challenge. It also clued me in to as how far I have come in my fitness goals. My endurance and cardio limits continue to grow and improve and I LOVE that. Really do!

By the end of class, they had us do this one move where you lock legs with your partner and take turns basically going from a laying down sit up position to FULLY STANDING UP. It looks like a crunch but its the next level where you stand, your calves supported by your partner. My partner in this adventure, who rocked the whole punching/kicking part said she couldn't do them. I too said I was doubtful but said I want to try it. So I did...and I DID IT! Maybe not the full 10, but I did a solid 5. Next it was her turn...she said "i can't" and I said "well just try and see". And you know what? SHE DID IT too!!

The lesson? Clear your mind of can't. Because you CAN. You just have to try. It may not be pretty, it may not be successful, but always try.

It was the perfect ending to the class.

And yes...I am going back (despite the two blisters on my toes from pivoting barefoot on the mat! My 10k has no room for blisters!).

Look for another post about my 10k tomorrow and wish me luck!!!

stay strong,

1 comment:

  1. I think this sounds incredibly fun! But I'm into torture. Not sure why the lady was so weird about it because it sounds like she was very helpful and supportive while you learn.
