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Monday, April 22, 2013

overdue for updates

Well hello & welcome back!

Sorry for the way, WAY overdue blog post update. With all the events happening last week related to the Boston Marathon, I just wasn't feeling my usual health and wellness focused self. The good news is that Boston shows no mercy when it comes to finding the ones responsible for hurting their city and our citizens. I was left in awe with a new found love for a city I never really connected to previously. Although there is so much more healing that needs to happen, and my heart still hurts for those impacted, I was and am able to sort of get my focus back a bit...so there's a positive for ya...hence my latest post.

I am starting to see some REAL changes in my body as a result of the Holly Perkins Midsection Challenge for April. We are four weeks in and although I am not following it to the T (i'm actually doing a little extra strength training for the whole body) and waivering on the diet recommendations (turns out I struggle with sugar!?! what a discovery for me!)...there is real change happening. My waist is starting to narrow in which it has never really done before - this Slim. Sexy. Strong. dvd is really one of the best I have ever done. The moves are not outrageous to perform and she advises you that form is more important than number of reps completed. Which I LOVE, because I struggle with form. Although I loved Jillian's workouts, I know my form was a mess because she's screaming at you through the tv like a drill sargent. My body is really made for the way Holly advises you through her workouts. I'll also add that since I have been doing her leg workout, I am noticing major muscle building. I attribute that to the insane squats with weights. And, I will also attribute my knee feeling WAY better to the strengthening happening as a result of the lower body strength training moves! This leads me to...running!

Ah yes, running. I will admit that my running has been an on again/off again love affair the past few weeks. Mostly because my legs were feeling weak and my knee was giving me trouble. When I ran on Saturday with my boyfriend's daughter (who is nearly 12 and nearly taller than me!) I felt AMAZING. Granted we are doing a 2 minute alternating run/walk intervals (preparing her for our 1st 5k together on May 4th!) but it really did feel wonderful. My legs felt strong and my knee didn't hurt at all. I think sometimes needing to slow down and rebuild is a gift with running. I had become so driven by attaining a new distance or under 10 pace that I forgot how glorious it is. Running with a gorgeous, happy & healthy 12 year old by my side made me feel like I was really leaving an imprint on her world. Her older sister joined us for the last mile too and kept right up. Its such a beautiful feeling to share something I love so much with kids that I love even more. Which brings me to...

...After having a full house all last week (we had my boyfriend's daughters with us for April school vacation) - this week will be the opposite. He is traveling for the majority of the week and the girls are back with their mom - all this equals a sad, quiet and lonely house for me - quite a contrast to last week! BUT, I am vowing to be highly motivated to spend a few quiet hours studying for my PT cert AND doing some running. Today promises to be a gorgeous day even once I'm out of work so I'm planning a happy, easy run. No mile pressure. No pace pressure. Saturday felt so wonderful that I just want to keep capturing that feeling. I will probably amp up my workouts too because that's how I plan on rolling this week. Super motivated to see how much I can change this body for the better. I love feeling stronger and love seeing my baby biceps grow!

So, that sums it up for now. Please continue to keep Boston and all those impacted by last week's events in your prayers or alternately, hold a good thought for them. I'll be doing both.

And today, I'll be sure to RunStrong for Boston.

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