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Friday, April 12, 2013

Runner setbacks, refocus & pushing through a tough week

Ohhhhh I can not believe I went nearly a full 5 days without any type of blog update....and there is SO much. Where to begin...hmmm...let's start with the suckiest part...

One: I am taking 7 days off from running. I have to admit temporary defeat - the left knee is NOT getting any better. Despite my 7 miles on Sunday (and my consecutive two 3 miles runs that followed on Monday and Tuesday) I just can't outrun the discomfort. I know I am struggling because normally when I start running 3-4 times a week my pace really improves (under 10 min miles easily). The past 3 weeks it has not budged. My pace is averaging 10:15-10:30 which is not where I was a month ago. I know for me, that's not normal. So, I had to be honest with myself and grant a reprieve from running. I decided I love it TOO much to risk my long term goals (half marathon in September) for short term dissappointment (not running for a full week). After some helpful advice, I plan to get my but on a spin bike at the gym, as well as an arc trainer - AND use the weights to build more muscle. Today I'm buying a foam roller (heard they are a God send for runners with problems similar to mine) and plan to get a knee brace. Enough is enough. I want to feel good again on my runs and for the past few weeks I run through pain and discomfort and that's not how running is meant to be. And its not the type of discomfort that comes from pushing yourself (i love that discomfort, it gives me a high to know I'm pushing myself and succeeding - in a safe to my body way). However, the pain i'm feeling is specific and my body is just screaming out to stop and recoup. And to be honest, I think cross training - really doing it - not just blogging about it is the key to my success - makes me wonder why I keep putting it off? Especially with the career field I'm going in to. Turns out I will be my first client and the best person to test out techniques in motivation!

Two: Diet. I once again am slacking on eating properly and enough. I am not getting all the protein and nutrients I need to meet my fueling needs for workouts and runs. Its pretty bad. And because I hate junk/crap food...I'll opt to eat nothing instead because I don't have food in front of me that I prefer (ie clean eating). Part of this is my laziness...I NEED to make going to the market a priority. There are no excuses here. I am failing at this piece again and I will no longer tolerate my excuses for going a full day on one sweet potato and a greek yogurt!

Three: Work. Ugh. Its been a real drain on my spirit and energy this week, but today is Friday, so yay. As I reflect back on the week, I realize that it is most important I keep focused on my plan for a career change and my studies. This stress of my day job is only temporary and I must treat it as such!

Four: Here's some GREAT news...I have been selected as an Espirit de She Ambassador!!! Woohoo! Its a new program that is partnered with Girls on the Run International. (I happen to be running a Girls on the Run 10k in June!). I'm looking forward to some cool giveaways and spreading the word of their mission! Check them out here!

Five: Personal Trainer studies continue. I'm finally done with chapter ONE! There is SO much to learn but I truly love it. I'll be squeezing in some studying over the weekend as it is much needed. I'm very pleased so far with the training support materials, pop quizzes and text book from NASM. I know I made the right decision!

Lastly, this weekend I will be a whirlwind I'm sure but there will be crosstraining over the weekend in addition to doing my Midsection Makeover workout after work. I didn't have time to squeeze it in yesterday - after working a 10 hour day...I'll admit...I wanted to go to our hang out and have a cocktail and unwind. Which I did. And it felt right. But now I already miss running (wah!!!!) and I'm jones' in' for my workout session (when did i become this person! :).

Have a good one everybody and stay STRONG!

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