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Monday, April 1, 2013

April challenge, my 1st 10k and running

Happy April 1st BMB blog lovin' readers!

So happy that Spring is FINALLY here, not just technically speaking, but weather wise too. Today I got my butt out of bed early and kicked off my day with a short 2 mile run in the 'hood. It wasn't super fast but it certainly did what I needed it to - which was to kick start the process of burning off a couple slices of pie from yesterday's Easter egg-stravaganza (ha!).

I also spent most of the weekend on a post run high from Friday. It was my last chance to find time and tackle my first 10K (virtual JellyBean run). I had not run anything over 4 miles since before my trip to Vegas a couple weeks back (due to injury/knee issues)...but I swore I would run it and I did. At a nice and slow but steady pace. I am over the moon regarding this accomplishment, mostly because I could have changed my entry to a 5K, but stuck with the 10k. I knew I could do it as long as I continued to train with short runs leading up to it and keep my pace slow. And you know what happened? Not only did I finish it with a respectable under 11min miles, but I kept going and ran my furthest to date with 6.3 miles. Woot! Feeling stronger and stronger and suddenly realizing for me, this isn't about speed (and I know i've said that before) but its about running more, running often and ENJOYING it. Everytime I refocus this way, my pace instinctively almost, gets quicker without trying. It really felt so wonderful and was the boost to my runner girl confidence that I needed. AND...I discovered something in the process...something about the injury/soreness I was having...hold on to your hats, because you are going to want to throw them at me...

Over the past month of running, at some point, I decided it would be a good idea to run with my iphone in my right hand. That I would still move my arm in its usual sway of movement but just hold the phone while I ran. My arm band is a cheapie and wasn't holding it properly AND keeping it in my running bra seemed weird (tho i had been doing that since the very start). Well, without me realizing it, over the past month, I had completely thrown off my left to right side balance and running stride. I'm not kidding...I know it seems so minor...but I believe it impacted the complete alignment of my form and body. How did I come to this realization? As I was hitting mile 4 on Friday, during my 10k, my hand was very sweaty and I decided to put the iphone in my bra for the rest of the race. As soon as I made that adjustment, I felt like someone literally lifted 10 pounds off the left side of my body. Now, even though I was holding it in my right, my left side was the side that was bothering me over the last few weeks. Somehow the uneven weight distribution of my iphone was forcing my left side to compensate causing all sorts of pains. And yes, I will admit, I'm sure some of my pains derived from PMS (legs retaining water do not run well...at all) - but as soon as the phone left my hand, my pace quickened a bit and most of the discomfort in my left knee disappated. Bizarre I know. But its a true story. I ran this morning, with the iphone safely tucked in my shirt and had minimal aches, pains or problems in my knee/legs. The hips are a little off still, but already better than what they were.

All I have to say as a result of this discovery is that running is a very delicate thing. One mistake in form or imbalance and it can knock you out for a little while. I see my running as something so fragile, which is why I'm addressing the strength part so adamantly. In conjunction with my running, this month I'm also participating in Holly Perkins MidSection Makeover Challenge. The accompany DVD is called Slim, Sexy, STRONG. Three of my ideals for a fit body and something I will be working toward all month.

In addition to THAT? I'm also well into my studying for my personal training certification. My textbook arrived Saturday morning and I've begun to tackle Chapter 1.

I know it seems like a lot going on...but you know, its all connected and each area of focus is just fueling the fires for a bigger (and happier) picture.

stay strong!

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