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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another published post on blogher.com

Please hop on over to Blogher.com and check out my latest article on career switch-ups over the age of 40! I was inspired to write and share this article late last night when it dawned on me that in a way, my work is a form and extension of the work my mom used to do. Serving, inspiring and guiding others to make healthier, happier choices in their lives. I feel so very lucky right now and so grateful for opening my eyes and seeing the beauty of life worth living.


  1. I too started my fitness journey at 40 and have never looked back...love being fit and love running most of all! great to meet you following your blog now! follow back at http://runningsurvivor.blogspot.com

    1. There seems to be something about the 40s I thik. We just start to really own ourselves and our lives I think. And yes, I will check out your blog too! Love following folks with a similar journey. Thanks for commenting!
