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Monday, March 4, 2013

a weekend of PRs!

Hello my fit-blogo-readers!

I am excited and happy to report that this weekend was a HIGHLY productive runner weekend. On Saturday I nailed a fastest pace EVER for a short run (9:35), and for my long run, I hit 6.25 miles (at a considerably slower pace of 11:12). This weekend was clearly a weekend of firsts and PRs. The pace thing I never saw coming. I finally gave up on my MapMyRun app and switched to Nike+ app because I heard from reliable sources it was more accurate. Well, that accuracy had me nervous...I thought for sure I would discover I was a SLOWER runner, but turned out I'm faster than I thought! 9:35 is a pace I hadn't hit to date so it was jaw dropping. The long run, which, I wasn't at my peak for (ongoing belly issues) still was impressive because of distance and the ability to will myself to power on up VERY large hills that I did not anticipate. I took a wrong turn in the neighborhood and ended up facing a monster hill! I slowed as slow as I could without it being considered a walk and powered on. Also had to literally STOP at one point for about 20 seconds because of crossing lanes of traffic and forgot to pause my app. Ah well I thought, keep going! And I did.

 Also excited to mention that we set up the gym area in our basement complete with eliptical and full weight bench set-up! Today after work I am suiting up and heading down to do a little cross training and strength building! No excuses when its right there in your own house. As I've mentioned before the cross training is a real struggle for me...i can't seem to stay consistant. The only thing that I'm so committed to is my running because of the peace of mind it gives me...but if I want to be the best runner I can be (and the best version of myself!) then I've got to get moving on those other fronts!

Hope to have an update for you later tonight reporting the results of my cross fit attempt, as well as an update on a yummy, healthy eggplant dindin that I'm throwing together!

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