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Thursday, March 7, 2013

overdue post!

Oy vey! Hard to believe my last post was Monday. I've been experiencing a whirlwind work week...and not in the good way. This is a great example of how hard it can be to balance one's time and ENERGY to do the things you love and adore. And yes, I adore keeping my blog current and sharing my experiences with you all. I do regularly update my facebook page and Instagram account...so if you are ever experiencing Body Made Better withdrawals (ha!) feel free to follow me there too!

So...onward and upward we go...here are some major updates:

Firstly...oh Jillian...how i hate to love you! After my failed "body reboot" attempt with "30 day shred" (i have a hard time committing to crossfit work...but if you follow me you know that already) - I decided to forgive myself and NOT "officially" declare my re-attempt. But instead quietly go back into it with the mindset that I must decide how badly I WANT IT. Turns out, I must want it pretty bad because I am in fact, recommitted. Hopefully revealing this won't "jinx" me...but feeling fairly confident that I'm ready to make some pretty great things happen for myself and my body. Instead of the 30 day shred, I'm doing the fairly intense 6 week 6 pack ab workout. Its just over 30 minutes long and although its called an "ab workout" it is an ass kicking overall body workout with focus on core throughout ALL the exercises and moves. The most exciting thing for me is on some of these moves, I'm more intermediate than beginner level, which blows my mind. I really love the moves Jillian uses because for me, I start to see immediate impact. Not sure what it is, but I have good luck with her workouts...so imagine if I actually stick with it!?! (ha! cracked myself up again).

Next up...the belly. Ugh. Still having tummy problems...and the specialist appt is not until the last week of March. In the meantime I'm trying a gluten free diet to see if that helps. So far, (all two days of it) - the belly has settled a bit but still getting some wierd pains and digestive issues (tmi?). Blood work came back fine a couple weeks ago so just trying a process of elimination until I can see the doc. The worst part of it? It is affecting my running. I'm a bit more drained and worn out these days from the war waging in my belly so I am just doing my best and pushing through it! During the run, I feel fine...so as long as I keep that trend, I'm happy.

Hmmm...next? So, I'm dabbling with some thoughts on becoming a "health coach". I won't reveal too much here but I usually like to follow my gut and its drawing me into this field. It would be more of a side business/income opportunity (sort of like when I sold Mary Kay - but better because I'm helping them heal and build their insides...not just pretty up the outside). I figure I'm very much loving all the inspiration I'm providing to others (as well as receiving in return) and it just makes sense to take the next step and give it a try. I'm doing some investigative work (because that's how I roll...I never just dive in! smarter heads always prevail)...and so far, its all sounding good and on the up and up.

Also, sort of indirectly related...over the next couple weeks I plan to try out Shakeology - after reading lots and LOTS of reviews...seems it is jam packed with nutrients, protein, etc...all things that I have struggled to fill myself up with - you know, that whole I never feed my body enough issue? - yeah well Shakeology might help with that. I plan on reviewing and providing feedback on my experience with it right here on my blog while trying it out. So keep an eye open for that...how it affects me will determine whether I'm taking a next step closer to the whole health coach thing.

Lastly, we unfortunately have snow AGAIN here in New England. Fortunately, the weather for Saturday's St Pat's 5K will be 45 degrees and partly sunny - so take that SNOW. I plan to get out and run one more time this week despite the snow. I need to get atleast a 2 miler in before Saturday!

Oh wait - one LAST LAST thing...I have a running clothes addiction. I just can't stop myself...anyone else suffer from this ailment?????

Have a great one everybody, until next time (which will prob be Saturday if I'm good!)...

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