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Monday, March 11, 2013

life & running

Hi my blogosphere readers!

This is one of those blog posts that will delve a little into my life outside the scope of running/fitness and then of course, happily dive back into it. But first...let's address when life hands you a slap upside your head...

Thursday for me was a very, VERY bad day at work. I won't go into sordid details but I will tell you that my always positive "glass half full" perspective on life was challenged in a pretty harsh way. There is nearly nothing worse than giving it your all, doing everything you can to help those around you while juggling 30,000 chainsaws only to be pulled into a room and told its not enough, & that you are failing in the eyes of those around you...with NO IDEA that was a "majority" opinion. It was indeed a real deflating moment. One that challenged my spirit and hurt my heart quite frankly. My first thought when I got home later that day was to skip my workout, eat some crappy chinese food and let the day end as miserably as it had played out.

But I did not. I decided the negativity that was hurled at me with no mercy would be left in the office. I would not let it infect my positivity and love of life. I would NOT let it derail me. I didn't do a full workout that day but I did some deep yoga stretches and some light lifting with my little hand weights. For dinner, although we ordered from our chinese place down the street...I ordered steamed chicken and veggies followed by a yogurt parfait for dessert. I went to bed feeling GOOD because I realized I am learning how to live my life "healthy" even in the face of such horrendous words, accusations and hurt. I learned that for the 35 hours I spend confined in a cubicle, those hours can STAY there. That my life is MINE and no external circumstances should shake me from that. I would have been justified to eat whatever the hell I wanted, sat on the couch and moped while eating some Ben & Jerry's. But I didn't...I stayed true to the light that lives in me...no one can take that from me...ever. (and many people and situations and life's tragedies have tried).

I don't mean to go on and on here...like I said, this blog is usually about how wonderful living healthy is, about my running, about my workouts, about yummy foods and what a beautiful healthy life I am inspired to live...and this post still relates to that...but the reality is? Sometimes life is going to throw you a negativity curve ball (with spikes on it apparently this time!) and you've got to be ready to stand strong and just swing at it with a bat and deflect it away. (baseball analogy - its nearly spring, right?). I just want anyone that reads this to understand, we own our bodies, and our lives, and there will be people that will try to cut you down...but what you do from that point is all on you. In this case, I chose me, I chose happiness in the face of such negativity.
NOW that I got that out of the way....(phew!)....On Saturday, I ran the St Pat's 5K and got my first bling! My time was a new PR for 5K - 30:49!!!! My paces was under 10 minutes a mile...I could barely believe it...just so wonderful. I was part of a group of friends and acquaintences - some walkers, some runners...including my very own honey who walked the 3.1 miles with his daughters. Very proud of him and everyone that took part. It was a great way to keep my positivity train chugging along :)

Then yesterday, I did my long run. 6.21 miles at an under 11 min mile pace. I battle serious hills on that long run each week and I vowed I would do my best to pace myself so that I didn't have to walk them. I did really well...only at the very top of one near my park did I break to a horribly slow "run/walk" for about 30 seconds...other than that I really did well. Hills are a pain in the butt as a runner but when you get to the other side it feels SO good. I'm making some good progress on these runs but I've got a trip to Vegas coming up on Thursday and we won't be back until the Monday...which means no long run next weekend. My plan is to squeeze in a 4 mile run at the very least on Wednesday after work - also hoping to hit the treadmill at the hotel on Friday morning so that i'm not completely losing steam. Its crazy how committed I am to my running, but really is such a big part of who I am right now that I've got to give it the priority it deserves. Either way...I plan on getting lots of little runs and workouts in before I leave Thursday!

So...I guess that about sums it all up...sorry if this blog was wordy or more like a giant venting session...but once in a while you've just got to let it out!

Keep gettin' fit my fellow fitters!

1 comment:

  1. my thoughts -- that incident at work only screams that you need to follow your dream -- and you know what dream i am referring to!!!

