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Tuesday, February 5, 2013


hello blog-readers!

Well I have one word for you today. It is SORE.

I started this body reboot project on Sunday by kicking it off with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I figured it would be a challenge, but this...this was INTENSE. How a 25 minute workout can mangle every muscle on your body is beyond my present understanding.

Two days later, my legs are still so sore I can bare walk down stairs. The problem here is that I love to run (that's normally not a problem!). Therefore, when attempting to put in my 2 miles yesterday after work, although my pace was pretty much spot on (for where I am in my building endurance back up), the run HURT. My legs felt heavy and I know its because they are sore from the killer 30 day shred. This has left me to think...am I some kind of weakling? I mean, come on, i'm in half way decent shape now...this shouldn't hurt like this! But it does...alot.

Again, normally I would just take the hit and move on to day 2, day 3 and so on. But now, i'm paranoid...i don't want to set back my running because of sore legs compliments of Jillian Michaels. My gut tells me if I keep up with the 30 Day Shred commitment, eventually the soreness will subside and I will emerge with a stronger, leaner, more efficient body for running...but oy the pain! I'm going to tackle day 2 today and see where that puts me. This does NOT mean I am halting Body Reboot! It may mean I need to use a workout that is less stressful on my weak little limbs!

That said...my limbs aren't that weak! I am doing the #48milesinfebruary challenge. I'm determined to pump up my mileage and it get it consistant. Challenges like these give a short term goal to work toward. And I love that!

I've put in just over 7 miles so far...long way to go for a short month - wish me luck!

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