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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

confessions & mexico!

Ok, I confess.

I have a serious running clothes/work out clothes addiction in the making. For Christmas I received a $40 gift card to JC Penney. Today, I perused the activewear clearance section of the website just to see what they had...

...20 minutes later said "gift card" that was supposed to be used for "normal" clothes has been used on running/work out clothes!!!! But such a good deal I couldn't resist!

And besides...isn't normal a relative term. Running and being active IS my new normal!

On a different note...my rollercoaster infatuation with Jillian Michaels continues. I'm very glad that I didn't wuss out yesterday, but instead committed to doing day 2 of level 1, 30 Day Shred. Although my legs are still sore, and the knot in my calve is still somewhat present, its not nearly as bad as yesterday. Which tells me that my instinct to keep going was correct.

After work today will be my midweek run which would normally be a 2 miler, but i am amping it up to a 3 miler. This weekend they are predicting a crapload (foot!) of snow (ugh, New England!) - so I want to get in a decent run outside before I chain myself to doing a long run on the dreaded treadmill Sunday...because yes...i must MUST do my long run this weekend and if that means the "dreadmill", so be it. Pushing for 4 miles this weekend as a way of incrementally increasing the distance back to where I was (5.50!).

All in all starting to feel good again...and plus, I am off to Cancun in two weeks with my man and it wouldn't hurt to have this bod somewhat bathing suit ready! Doesn't the pool and view look amazing!?! Can not wait to finally soak in some warmth...Lord knows I won't be feeling it here at home amidst a New England winter!

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