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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

run and run and run

I will admit, I have been SERIOUSLY slacking on my blog. My neglect is not excuseable, however I will still put up a good defense!

It seems my words and thoughts were stalled by Blizzard Nemo. Without my running, I realize I don't have as much to say. Granted, I kept myself busy by continuing on with Jillian's 30 Day Shred (aka "Project Kick Rachel's Ass!") - but without the run, outside in the glorious air...things just weren't the same.

Which leads me to my update and the reason I am blogging again - I ran yesterday after work AND this morning at 6:30am before work today. I had gone 5 days without running and its just too much. My biggest obstacle is that I really, REALLY hate the treadmill. ALOT. I can not run nearly as fast on the treadmill as I can on the open road. Which is odd because I believe it is supposed to be the other way around. Regardless, I refused to treadmill it, and instead waited until road conditions allowed for a somewhat safe run. I loved being back out on the open road yesterday...so much that I KNEW I wanted to run this morning before work also. It really is my meditation - especially in the early morning hours. Without a doubt I am a morning runner. My pace is stronger and I generally just run better at that hour. Not sure why, but my MapMyRun app reflects the proof with data on pace, etc.
Also, I find that I'm starting to realize that running is changing me. Well, not just the running, but the paying attention to my body and my health - its making me painfully aware when those I love are not taking care the way their bodies need them to. Its tough and challenging. I am not a person that has ever really struggled with weight so I always keep my trap shut on the subject. I can not imagine that struggle or how hard it must be to have to fight to maintain a weight, lose weight, etc. But the lense with which I view getting fit, getting healthy is not a matter of being thin, or toned or...the "s" word...which I HATE -"skinny".

Its a matter of caring for yourself enough to want to feel better. To want to make changes that will increase the quality of your life. Its not easy. It never will be. But it is necessary.

I still have my own struggles - like eating enough. I never have enough fuel to properly fire up this body. I work at it most days, but I still slip. Most people have the opposite problem - portions too large/eating too much and too often. Mine is the opposite. Not eating enough to sustain myself. That said, one of the many gifts running has brought me - is the awareness of what i eat and how much i eat. I love to run so much that I KNOW I have to fuel my body in order to perform as a strong runner who can endure. Eating a salad and a box of raisins won't get me through a 5 mile run (or a 3 for that matter).

All I know is I want to share the gift that is owning your health. I want people to know you CAN change your body. All you have to do is just do it. Just start. Even if you start small...consistancy will bring change after change...and before you know it, your flying. This isn't about running, this is about healthier habits and moving your body everyday just a little more each time.

You have the power to change, you just have to believe it.

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