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Thursday, February 28, 2013

playing catch-up

Ohhhh my dear fitblog readers...life is just sooo chaotic sometimes and it really pulls me away from my blog...so my humble apologies for the lack of any "real" entries lately!

First up - let's catch up with a little recap of my trip to paradise (Now Sapphire Resort in Cancun). As I mentioned before, it was amazing. Absolute paradise. PARADISE. And it was SO needed. I think one of the most surprising things for me was how well I ate. The food was all fresh, natural and beautiful. It was the most perfect way for me to re-kick off my clean eating attempts. By the end of the 4 days (too short a time to be in paradise may i mention!) - my body felt amazing. You wouldn't think that 4 short days would make such an impact, but between the gorgeous WARM weather, the peacefulness of our beach front room and the pure, clean yumminess I was consuming - it sort of renewed me. It was a real mind, body, spirit sort of trip. Now, in the interest of full disclosure...yes I DID enjoy several mojitos...but I did go super light on the sugar and usually they gave heaps of mint in the drinks. And I was on vacation afterall...progress people, not perfection :)

Since coming home I have decided to continue the best I can with eating in this manner. I just felt too good to stop. It does present its challenges, almost at every turn, but I'm going to be very mindfull of what I am consuming and how it will impact my body. Also, I know I've addressed it before...but I continually forget how much consuming wheat of any kind, or any type of starch affects my lower belly. Right before vacation I was at wits end again with that area (hence the two piece debacle!). Granted, the body reboot mission failed miserabley (ah, i'm human) so I haven't been working out the way I vowed I would but still I'm running 10+ miles a week and not eating crap...but yet, there was my belly. After 5 days of nearly all clean eating, and eliminating breads, pasta and fried foods from my diet, the belly is already shrinking. Its all SO complicated. And yes, if I seem obsessed with my lower belly its because I've pretty much always had one my whole life despite being a petite thing.

All in all, the vacation provided me so much more than just "time off from work" - it recentered me and reminded me how beautiful life is...and how amazing you can feel when you take your control back.

I also ran on the beach, which I mentioned in the previous post. THAT was a challenge. I had never run on packed, slanted shoreline sand before, in 85 degree weather...but you know what?...that little 1.25 miles (estimating based on time running and slow pace) provided me with inspiration. I literally went right outside my comfort zone and RAN in a strange place among people that were just looking to lounge. I saw other runners as well and it felt wonderful to understand the desire to get out there and just go! I love being a member of that club...

Next up...more running stuff! I ran 6.6 miles on Monday...a true sign that the four days away worked some true miracles for me. I will be getting in a 3 mile run today after work...and then plan on possible two runs this weekend. My endurance is really improving and want to stay on top of it. So that's great...

...what's not great? COMMITTING to cross training. Ugh. I just can't seem to stay committed. I had Jillian kicking my butt for 10 days and then I let it trail away. What I really need to do is march my ass back to the gym and get on those strength machines again. That seemed to make the most immediate impact and noticable change to my small frame. I know that cross training makes me a stronger runner...but it is so hard for me to commit. Its an area of improvement that I'm trying to formulate a way of addressing - I am looking at some options and joining a few fellow get-fit facebook blogger challenges for the month of March. In the meantime, I'm going to commit to a Jillian workout atleast twice a week.

Overall, feeling really good about my way forward. I'm hopeful and optimistic that I'm continuing on the right path for me. And I think that's the thing that sometimes gets missed in all this...we are all individuals who are unique with our own challenges and successes. There is no perfect fit for all, you have to find your own way...and I think I am finally finding mine.

It just takes the courage to know what you need and then just do it in a way that works for you!

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