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Friday, February 15, 2013


Its been a very long day, and more than anything i just want to climb into bed and skip this momentary blog post...but you see, i did something really incredible today...i did this!!!!! --------->

That's right, i not only ran my 4th 5k race (3 of the 4 have been virtual - but real none the less!). But I hit a new PR (personal record - for those that don't know the lingo yet!). I ran a 3.1 mile run in approx 31 minutes! My average pace per mile was 9:58!!! Under 10 min miles!!! I am in shock...not make no mistake, i was very winded during this run. i really REALLY pushed myself, but i did it because i knew i could. i knew i felt strong enough. this was my third day in a row of running AND as much as i hate to admit it, the cross training i've been doing with the Jillian 30 Day Shred DVDs have really been working. I feel like I suddenly understand why its so important to work other areas of your muscles and your body. I would have never thought that cross training could make such an impact on my running - but it does.

No matter where i place in this race, i competed against myself and I came out better, stronger and on top.

So for that I say Happy Valentine's Day to me...

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