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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome 2013

As promised, the Christmas week proved to be very hectic but I promised myself I would take some time to offer an entry up to my faithful blog-o-rama readers!

First and foremost, I did my 5k New Year's Resolution Run in snow, ice and 20 degree weather on December 31st. My time was super slow but I had to put safety above speed. Regardless, I am damn proud!

I also had a birthday...the big 43. The good news is that I am probably in the best shape of my life and am looking to keep progressing and moving forward. 2013 for me is about action. Doing the things I used to think I couldn't. Running has proved to me that the only limit I have is the one my mind tricks me into believing exists.

Oh, and I've decided to start a running quote-a-day post on Instagram!


So, that's all for now folks. I am battling a crappy stomach bug but will not let it keep me down! Looking forward to my long run this weekend...and hoping to squeeze in a short run pre-work day tomorrow morning.

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