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Friday, January 4, 2013

runner resolution time...eek!

So, after much reading, thinking, debating and plain old procrastination...I have decided to publicly state my 2013 Runner Resolutions. I hesitate because generally, I'm not a big believer in "resolutions". To me, every day of your life is a chance to change your path, redirect, try new things, etc...it should not, and need not, be chained to a "new year". Why not just a new day?

And although, I truly believe all this, I found myself WANTING to make resolutions in terms of my running. I've been reading everyone's posts about resolutions for the new year - and I personally feel that for my running, what I want to aim for are more a "goal" than a formal resolution.

That said - here we go - Rachel's TOP FIVE 2013 Runner Resolutions!
  • First and foremost...the thing that all the others rely upon...CONSISTENCY! I resolve to be consistent in my weekly commitments to running. I want to consistently make time to do two short runs during the week (2-3 miles) and then one long run on the weekends (5+ miles). I want my weekly mileage to always be over 10 miles a week.
  • I resolve to carefully increase my long run mileage in accordance with the golden "10 percent rule".
  • I resolve to run my first 10K. I am registered for Girls on the Run on Saturday, June 1st, 2013.
  • I resolve to run another 5k prior to the 10k in June. I currently have two under my belt and I want a third! To date it was Free to Breathe and New Years Resolution Run.
  • And here' the scary one...I...I...resolve...to run a half marathon (um 13.1 miles!!!) in the Fall of THIS year. Specifically the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in Providence on Sunday, September 29th. I plan to register...soon. And once I do, there is no turning back.
So there you have it. I put it out there...in front of the whole blogosphere to see. I'm petrified to actually post these goals because then I am 100% accountable for them. But you know what? These are things I WANT to do...my biggest challenge will be allowing and granting myself the time needed to make these things happen. I will be a happier, healthier person for it - mind, body and spirit - if I hold myself true to these resolutions. I deserve happiness (and so do you!) and running brings me a joy and confidence I haven't felt in a very, very long time.

1 comment:

  1. good for you! i cant quite bring myself to commit to the half -- maybe closer to the event???

    you rock!
