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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post Christmas!

Well it appears me and the man survived Christmas. We successfully hosted a house full of his family and pulled off a yummy dinner...yes, he did most of the cooking but I rocked my homemade stuff shell recipe! So yay for that! Now that Christmas stress is dissipating I can start to focus again on hitting the gym next week, resuming my clean eating (hard to do with a house full of sweet, yummy crap!). I am very proud that yesterday I took some "me time" away from the home and ran my 5 miles. Woohoo!

Today will consist of more Christmas clean up (boo!) and then some reading of the book I got for Christmas "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougal (http://www.amazon.com/Born-Run-Hidden-Superathletes-Greatest/dp/0307279189). Such a great book...I am only on chapter 3 but really looking forward to diving in further. Feels good to actually be reading a book again vs the endless cycle of online article reading...I am one of those old fashioned people that really does love the turning of pages vs the virtual flipping on a screen.

I also got a bunch of really great running stuff for Christmas which I am over the moon about. Also got some incredible new NB running shoes (890v2) but need to get an orthopedic insert since they are not designed for over pronating. So that's a slight bummer, but I am sure I can adapt them after a visit to Rhode Runner store!

Well, guess that is all for now. Got a busy day ahead of me so I best get moving!

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