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Friday, January 25, 2013

knowing when to stop

Hello my fellow blog-o-rama readers. I am currently writing this blog in my pajamas, from home and occasionally half keeled over in pain from a ridiculous stomach issue that refuses to quietly go away. A doctor appointment on Tuesday will hopefully shed some light on this on again/off again issue. Its getting very old, very fast.

In fact, it is a pain that I can not run through...and to date, i've been able to run through just about anything! Even headaches (which running actually seems to help) and sinus issues...but this stomach pain, um, not so much. 

Last night, despite the pain, I ventured to the gym to hit the treadmill. I had reasonable success with it on Tuesday, but last night, I was not at my best. I was aiming for 3 miles (like i did on Tuesday), but my body was making it pretty clear it wanted me to stop...or it would make me stop. Its funny how you start to understand the differences between just needing to push through the mental obstacles and then actually knowing that your body is begging you to stop because its going to give out on you. 

All that said, the upside of this run was that after the first mile I knew I wasn't going to push through the discomfort. The belly was acting up again so I played with inclines and pace adjustments...I got up to 3.5-4.0 incline and ran it for a few minutes which for me, is remarkable. I was proud that I knew enough to switch it up and not get discouraged. I guess that comes from starting to have a good line of communication with your own body - which i know sounds funny - but really, you have to listen to it when it really speaks up and tells you "not today". Again, usually through my 5 mile runs my body starts telling me, "stop, stop, please!" - but then i assess how i feel, and usually its more the mental trying to tie you down and keep you from your goals...and that's when you learn how to push through and come out the other side.

Last night, was not mental, it was physically time to stop or make adjustments so I could stay active somehow. And I did. And for that I am damn tootin' proud!

Sunday, the weather will return to somewhat bareable temps (high 20's!) and I will venture to the park for my long run. I say it all the time, but I really, REALLY want to actually go slower. I want to work on endurance, not speed at this point. Also, if I do an easy pace, might be a little easier on the body. Also, the treadmill is not my favorite way to run, it is too limited, to conscious an effort...it takes away the beauty of what running is for me...which is to just GO, not think, just GO.

Sunday I will do just that, in the meantime, I'll be resting up.

have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. i'm slowly coming around to realizing that is my pace is incidental -- i need endurance and not to feel like ass after a few miles. i think speed just naturally comes with time!
    cannot wait to get outdoors this weekend and RUN LIKE THE WIND BULLSEYE!!!

