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Friday, January 11, 2013

kick ass run/cool news

Happy Friday fair blog-o-rama readers!

Lots of exciting stuff to share...as you'll notice I have a new banner. Its a work in progress but decided it was time to redesign and amp up my blogging efforts. And what would bring about such enthusiasm for said "amping" you ask? Well, I've been asked to be a featured health/fitness blogger on January 23rd for Fitblogger! I have written a special post to be featured that day AND will have a picture accompany the article. So excited and damn proud. When I submitted for consideration in mid December (i had totally forgotten!), I never expected it to come to pass. Not yet anyway. I mean, I'm still in the infant stages of this blog and its not yet the full resource I so desperately want it to be...but apparently, there is worth here...on this page and its nice to have that recognized.

Next up...I had a totally KICK ASS 2 mile run yesterday after work. I felt super strong after finally conquering my stomach bug. I stayed under or just at the 10 minute mile for a majority of the run - it was amazing!

And finally...I got the results from the New Year's Resolution Virtual Run. I placed 310 out of 605 5k runners. Which, means I faired about average, middle of the pack. The problem is, I ran very slow because of ice, snow and 20 degree weather (didn't want injuries or to land on my arse). If I had run my usual 5K pace, I would have placed closer to 200 - which...gives me hope for the next virtual run which is on Valentine's Day. I say bring it on!

All that said, I am very ready for the weekend. This was a crazy busy week...i'm looking forward to some down time over the weekend. Sunday promises to be partly sunny and almost 60 degrees...should make for a perfect long run day in the park!

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