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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jillian Michaels kicked my ass

Well my fellow blog-o-readers I tackled Jillian's Six Pack Abs DVD tonight...and I know why people puke and cry on the Biggest Loser. I was only doing, or attempting to do, level 1. But that level 1 felt like level 3 for my poor, weak and far from solid core. I really sucked. I mean, I've got to be honest, I really, barely finished...but I did. I had to do a few less reps on a couple of the moves (you know, because I thought I might vomit or faint or cry - or all three!) but I finished it. What I will say is that she pushes herself hard while leading the workout and that's impressive. But then I thought, holy crap, if Jillian is breathing heavy and sweating hard, and she's in glorious shape, how the hell am I supposed to do it? But you know what? I just did it. I just kept going. Turns out that the mentality and drive to "finish" in running kicked in during the ab work out from hell.

And the strangest thing? I can't wait to do it again. Because I'm just not into quitting these days. I'd rather suck at it for a while and push through, than quit...because quitting is no longer an option for me in this life.

And speaking of not quitting...I had the perfect excuse to not do a thing tonight. To just give in and climb into bed and call it a night. I got my very first flu shot ever last night. Which today, brought some symptoms of body aches, exhaustion and chills (which is expected). I also am still STILL fighting the tummy bug from hell...but not only did I not use these as excuses to head to bed...I also cooked up a yummy healthy turkey burger dinner for me and the man. And then of course...tackled Jillian. Who hit back hard with a workout like I've never known. And it was awesome to be challenged like that, to finish the 35 minute workout despite feeling like hell.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be 40's and sunny...a 2 mile run is in order & very much needed! I miss it and its only been two days...!

...well good night fair readers...

1 comment:

  1. i love it when people find out how truly badass jillian is... oh and a word of warning -- in ALL of her workouts (and i have done them all minus her kickboxing dvd) the day after day 2 on every level of every workout is when you REALLY start to cuss her out.
