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Monday, January 14, 2013

Big news on the resolution front

Since I am sidelined for the day at home with a nagging sinus infection, I figured it was a good time to take a minute and share some news!

Well, I went and did it. After some very careful consideration, conversations with those who's opinions I trust and support I will need, I registered for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Providence! The date is in late September which gives me plenty of time to train properly and carefully. I also used yesterday's long run as a test for controlling pace and tapering. To my surprise, I had decent success considering I am such a newbie still. It's all very exciting, my love for running just gets bigger and better. And as my resolutions promised, my goals will get bigger and better too!

Today however, although sunny and nearly 60 degrees, I am making myself rest. I have been pushing through a sinus thing for weeks and finally decided to let myself rest up and take some needed meds. I wish I could tell you I'm enjoying the rest, but I am not. I am looking out the window trying to find a way to sneak out just for quick one mile around the block! But I know better...so in bed I will stay! Luckily I have lots of fitness and running mags to keep me busy. Which...has the wheels turning...I'm still stuck on the thought of taking fitness/trainer/nutrition courses but the path forward offers so many options it gets overwhelming.

I just know I am meant to keep progressing down this road, to help people and inspire...to share the magic of feeling good by owning your health. One more thing to keep my wheels turning...

1 comment:

  1. so proud of you for taking the plunge into the halfmary! i so wanna do the same -- but ack i gotta get back to 100% better health first before i plot where my running goes next!
    loveeee the new header!!!
