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Thursday, November 29, 2012

perfect run in the face of fear

After a couple weeks of high impact stress, exhausted tears and with anxiety that is still clinging, I'm happy to report that most of the worry that plagued me seems to be clearing. There are very few things worse than a health scare for the man you love.

That said, I should be back at the blog with regular participation soon. This is my first attempt to get back in the flow so-to-speak. I will share that yesterday, after we got the green light that my honey would be coming home from the hospital, I went for a run. And not just a run...but the longest run to date. 

And it was perfect. 

My pace, my breathing, my strength - it was pretty incredible. I chalk the release of this run and the perfection of it up to spending night after night sleeping in a chair watching and worrying over the man I love laying in the bed beside me in a hospital room. I learned again, the value of a healthy heart, a healthy body. It is critical. So in celebration of the good news - I decided when I went home for a few hours, to run. 

Below are my stats...

It was a breakthrough run that I never expected...and now I'm more motivated than ever now that all seems to be returning, dare i say, to "normal" in this house. I've decided I really want to tackle a 10k, but in the meantime, think I want to and need to clock another 5k under my belt early in the new year. 

Running really was something I missed desperately and as soon as I knew things were coming back together, the urge to run overcame me.

I guess, I really am a runner. It gave me peace during those 39minutes, just me and the road.

Here's to better days...and to free therapy.

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