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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

its a two-fer kinda day

Ran my miles this morning - it was a bit off Saturday's pace...but who cares! I ran at 6:30am in 35 degree weather! Talk about a running junkie...got to have my fix. I love it so...(who am i!?!?)

Also, since i ended up NOT going to the gym yesterday (my body was willing but my heart and mind overruled it) - I am going to the gym today after work. Run in the morning, gym in the afternoon and cruise less than two weeks away.

Keeping my focus on the positive, despite some challenges that keep jumping in my way.

I know what is right for me, and sometimes its hard to commit to putting yourself first when you've spent most of your days being there for everybody else. At age 42, i'm finally learning that if I don't care for myself and do what I need to maintain my happiness (and sanity) it doesn't benefit anyone around me.

Ok...preaching over, off to the gym people!

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