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Sunday, November 18, 2012


So I'm totally slacking on my blog entries lately. Seems that in the face of stress, although I'm staying true to eating healthy and keeping my commitment to running/working out in check - i seem to be out of words. Which, as a blogger, tends to be a problem. 

But i'll give it a go...

First, I ran yesterday but made an active effort to find a change of scenery.  minutes down the road (by car) is a lovely little park in my 'hood. I ran there and it was a refreshing change. I've noticed though i'm losing pace, at one point right after I had done the 5k I was at an 8-9 min pace, now i seem to be stuck back in the 10 min pace and can't break my mile barrier back 3 miles. I also did take a week off from running on the road (but kept up with treadmill) so I need to realize this may partly attribute to my losing pace and distance. I'll get it back, and in the meantime, I'm just damn proud I keep pushing and WANTING to run. Hoping for a run later today, my nerves could use it.

Next up, here's a helpful chart that stumbled across on Pinterest...you may need to click and download to see it more clearly. Either way, I like how it breaks it down into layman's terms.

For now, that about sums up my blog contribution for today. I have too much on the mind to really formulate any consistent thoughts that would add any value to the day...so with that, have a good one folks and don't let stress derail your healthy eating and fitness goals, you are only hurting yourself. And although my heart and mind are distracted with stress, I am keeping the focus on staying healthy, because its the best thing i can do for not only my body, but my mind and spirit.

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