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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Feel like i'm slacking lately on my blog...sorry folks!

Started off the week feeling just a wee bit under the weather, but slowly makin' my way back. Seems to me that the whole eating healthy/working out thing really DOES help boost your immune system. Though still not 100% I'm definitely stronger at warding things off as well as moving it out of my system quicker.

So, I am still on break from running outside (and managing to not slump into depression over it!). I've been reading quite a few articles lately that are providing me with some great insight into the importance of cross training, the value of treadmill runs AND reminding me that this is supposed to be about having fun right now. Most of the articles I've been reading are on Active.com - they have an excellent amount of information on there related to running...also, they have a mobile app that allows for article reading no matter where you are - which i'm taking full advantage of!

With this renewed view and commitment to wanting to be a runner for the long term...hopefully for life...I decided I really need to step back and evaluate my approach to outdoor running lately. I found that I started to become consumed with "mileage" obsession. The high from running my first 5K was leading me to believe there was no reason I couldn't push to do 3 miles everytime I run...and then maybe 4...then 5...then then then...

That's when I tweaked the hip again.

And that's when I hit the breaks and started reading boatloads of articles on challenges newbie runners face.

I'm not only exhibit A, but I'm exhibit B, C and D...(i'm laughing to myself as I type that).

I had become obsessed with mileage vs the length of time I spend running. I forgot that running is a skill that develops and strengthens over time...not something you can rush.

And although I "knew" this, I wasn't practicing it.

I was able to run that 5K because I trained myself for 2 months prior. I let my body do what it needed, including eating well, eating enough and eating often. As we all know (well those of you that read my blog) this is one of my biggest challenges (eating enough and eating often).

So, I stepped away from the outdoor running for the week to allow myself TIME to really regroup and revisit not why I started running, but why I wanted to continue. And most importantly, that why is the reason I will continue. Because it brings me peace, it makes me happy, it allows me to feel strong and in control and generally because I just think its pretty freakin' amazing to be able to accomplish things that you thought your body never could...like running a 5K.

Last night, I hit the gym. And instead of running on the treadmill at my usual incline (um, ZERO) and my usual pace (as fast I can without dying)...and trying to just hit the 1 mile marker...i instead took a cue from some article reading and challenged myself with different incline levels (made it to a 3.0) and at a slowly increased pace up to a 4.5. I ran for approximately 1.50 miles and did it, yes, with a smile on my face.

It felt awesome.

I rediscovered my love for the experience of running. I re-focused on the "why" of my running and am shifting away from the "end goal" mentality. Now, make no mistake, I intend to run another 5K or two (or three...!) next year and the "goal" of course will have to move back to the forefront.

But for now, this is all about the love of it. The challenge of it. I plan to run (outside) on Sunday. Its supposed to be a beautiful day and after last night i'm feeling strong. I know what my body requires to run at its best (literally and figuratively) and i'm armed with that knowledge.

I'm sure I'll still stumble, push too hard, forget to eat, i'm only human after all. But my level of awareness continues to increase and the actions associated with it are becoming more frequent. I can't ask much more than that of myself (at this point!).

AND since I brought up running Sunday...guess what that day is???


Woohoo...you can actually register for the day, but i discovered it a little too late so i'll probably just dedicate my run Sunday as recognition of this international event. You can click here to learn more about it. Run Run Run and do it for FUN!

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