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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

post Hurricane Sandy run

Very grateful to have survived Sandy's wrath with minimal issue. Our house was able to keep all the lights on and the worst thing that fell from the high winds was a Captain Morgan bar sign (belonging to the man of course).

So, in light of having today off from work (due to storm related issues) - I decided to challenge myself with a run. I ran Sunday, and usually I take two days of rest in between. I do this to prevent any hip pain from re-occurring (referencing the run injury from a month ago). But after experiencing cabin fever all day yesterday, I REALLY wanted to run this morning. So I did...see below!

Over THREE miles! Yay! I have not run three miles since the 5K race over a week ago! And, the finish time is just about 12 minutes faster than I had at the race. Granted, no giant mountain hills in my 'hood, but still I'm happy. I really wanted to hit that 3 mile mark again and just wasn't sure I had it in me today.

But I did. And it feels amazing.

I love challenging my body, insisting that it CAN do something that its fighting for no other reason than its uncomfortable. My breathing was off, but i kept working to get it back in line. This was a very challenging 3 miles, but each run, you learn more, you improve, you struggle, but no matter what...at the end, you are just so damn happy that you did it.

    post hurricane skies during my run this morning

On a storm note...I hope everyone is safe and sound and gets their power back soon. As for my beautiful NYC...my heart is broken because of the impact felt from the storm. I'm holding a good thought for all my fellow New Yorkers.


  1. dayummmm that is a kickass run! i dream of te day i run a mile in 10 minutes or under!

    you're my hero!!


    1. aw, thanks Cyn! Honestly, if you go back to early on in my blog where i was just starting the C25K program, i seriously never thought i'd get to this point. If I can do this, then so can anyone that truly wants it. Its not easy, but it is so gratifying. The sense of accomplishment is immense.
