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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

making time/1 mile

So i know..i'm slacking again on my blog.

i'm feeling a little disconnect lately regarding my fitness regimine. I'm having a REALLY hard time finding TIME to do what i need to do for me the way i was doing it before. That said...

...i read a really inspiring status last week on Instagram.(someone I follow). She spoke about how she's a single mom, has a million things to do everyday, but she MAKES time to workout everyday. So if it means getting up at 6:00am to squeeze in a 30 minute workout, she does it.

THIS is what I need to start doing. This month I'm really struggling because a little of the progress i've seen over the past two months has slid back. There are few reasons for this...one related to just to the fact i'm a woman in my 40's fighting against bloat and hormone insanity, but mostly from inconsistency in my workouts AND realizing that the ridiculous amounts of Bare Naked granola i've been consuming might very well be contributing to my dissappearing flat tummy that i was so proud of only a month ago. So...

Starting today...back at it. A month from now I will have all my progress back and then some. A commitment to myself. I vowed I could rock a two piece bathing suit on my cruise the end of November and that goal is STILL within reach. Of course, that's not the driving force, the driving force is I want to see how good this body can feel and look, to see it accomplish more than it ever has had an opportunity to accomplish before...and speaking of accomplishments...

Even with all this warding off of negativity in my own head, i am HAPPY to report...I finally ran my mile. YES! I did. Despite the not being thrilled with my regression in how my body "looks" I'm apparently progressing in the running. I ran my first full mile on Sunday morning. Took me 11.5 minutes, but who cares! I did it. And it felt and feels awesome.

This Saturday is the Free to Breathe 5K and i'm so excited to know that I am atleast somewhat prepared to do the mile run of the 3 mile walk/run. It was the goal I set for myself back in July and here I am. Right on track.

So, I guess with the bad comes good and vice versa - these are the real challenges of trying to live a healthy lifestyle everyday, paired with society based pressures on women of being a size 2 but maintaining curves (um, how?). But all and all, I feel very in touch now with the direction I need to go from this point forward. I'm serious in my heart/mind about wanting to make my way into a career that focuses on helping people become the healthiest version of themselves (not skinny!!!) - but HEALTHY. So I guess i'm my first client. And that's kind of exciting.

Tomorrow the gym down the street opens and I intend to learn as much as I can about the machines, the free weight area, the "everything". Also think I need to start talking to folks that have made this a career for themselves so that I can understand what my path may look like and should look like.

I leave you now with my latest stats, a pic from my autumn run and one of my most favorite fitspiration reasons currently...let's hang tough folks. Let's keep pushing through to improve and get stronger...because despite the set backs and the struggles, we are still worth it.

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