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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2013 Reflections & Braving the Holidays

Well, whether we like it or not, the holidays seem to be approaching at warp speed (i'm givin' her all she's got Capt'n!). And this year, as it comes to a close I have begun to reflect on some pretty big 2013 accomplishments. These include both "running/fitness" related accomplishments AND just general life accomplishments. Damn proud to have completed my first half marathon - something I will never, EVER forget - the feeling of crossing that finish line is like nothing I'll ever know again. On the personal life front very proud to have found the courage to leave my former place of employment after 3.5 years of dedicated service. A place that gave me no joy and robbed me of the energy to do some of the things I loved so much (like running!).

2013, as a whole, was a successful year for me. Did I meet ALL the goals I set forth for
Normally how I am about the holidays!
myself? No. I had hoped to get my personal trainer cert by September of this year, but with all the work upheaval my focus just wasn't there. It is a must do for 2014 and well on my way to being back on track. I feel that 2013 is worth celebrating, it is worth sitting back a bit and enjoying Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Let myself get wrapped up in the joy of the holiday....something I don't usually feel like doing. This is a tough time of year as November 19th will be 3 years since I lost my mom to cancer. But this year...I feel something else brewing in me. A real need to enjoy every ounce of what the holidays bring (so unlike me!).

And this leads me to the undeniable topic of "holiday derailment".

I have no intention of "derailing". Derailing is something that happens (at least for me) by "accident". One bad decision begets another bad decision, one day of not running turns into one week of not running. One cookie turns into a tray of cookies. One week not at the gym turns into two months not at the gym (ehem...i will confess...been 1.5 weeks since I parked my ass at the gym!).

Derailing is not where my head is at....BUT I want to be honest about the holidays. Although I agree with that handy little "fitspo" quote "do not reward yourself with food, you are not a dog", I will say that this quote should be bypassed at the holidays. 

I can not and will NOT let myself feel guilty over enjoying some things that I don't get to have all year long. I can't remember the last time had stuffing and cranberry sauce...oh yes I can...nearly a year ago! Therefore, damn straight, I'll be having a heap of happiness
I will in moderation :)
on my plate this year. I can not nor do not want to be someone that deprives myself of all the yummy goodness that comes with the holidays. For some health and fitness folks they may feel different, and that is more than okay. For me, I find I'm very in touch with what works for my mind, body and spirit. I have, for the most part, in 2013 been more active than I have ever been in my entire life. The gym saw my face more than it ever has and these running feet have covered more miles than ever before. I want to CELEBRATE my accomplishments by feeding my spirit with Christmas shopping, cookies and yummy celebratory dinners.

 I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince as I type this all out for the blogosphere to read, maybe myself. But that alone is proof that the guilt we instill in ourselves needs to be off lifted. We do not need to carry guilt in relation to food. It is something I struggle with (yes, ME)...especially after my calorie counting incident and experiment. All I know is I plan to stay ACTIVE this holiday season. I've got a plan for how to manage through the holidays and it involves running more and gym less. Something that makes me nervous truth be told because I've enjoyed the weight sessions. But, the realistic goal for the next month and a half is to stay active in a way that fits into my Christmas lovin' schedule (early morning runs work SO well!) so I can really make time for shopping, visits with friends, baking, & general holiday cheer and happiness! 
Got to find a balance!

I don't plan to go overboard but I plan on celebrating a very successful year as a health and fitness lover. There are no "rules"...there is only what works best for YOU. And this is what will allow me to enjoy a season for the first time in many years - it has been too long since I felt this way and I know my mom would want me to embrace it.

So that's what I'm going to do.

stay strong,

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