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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

morning run

Today's run kicked off week 4, day 1 of half marathon training. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS morning with the temp holding steady at 55 degrees. It was the perfect remedy to the draining 10k from Saturday in that horrendous heat.

I've been thinking about it, and if we (here in RI) end up with a stretch of super hot days...i'll have to commit to running the half marathon training distances on the...dun duhhhh...dreadmill. ick. But honestly, I think I'm better off with that than worrying about hating my runs because the temp is so unbearable. Hopefully I'll be able to get a handle on running in the heat and invest in a fuel belt that doesn't weigh me down - this will help avoid the dreadmill, but i've got to start to consider the possibility that the treadmill may make an appearance in my plan a few times over the summer.

Either way...I'm staying on track. I am LOVING training...it frees me up from over thinking it. And to quote Nike.."just do it"!


  1. If you find a fuel belt that doesn't weigh you down please let me know. I just started training with the hopes of running a half this year. The weather here is mostly rain with a side of tornado.

    1. where are you located? Those tornadoes just break my heart with all the damage they havoc. I've got to find a fuel belt and once I find a GOOD one I'll provide a review!
