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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Off to Vegas!

Well I am off to Vegas tomorrow to meet up with the man who is there on business. But we then stay Thur-Monday on vaca! Yay!

As for a proper blog update, you probably won't see one until after I return. I can tell you that after today's 3 mile run I needed to ice my left knee. From what I've read, it looks like I may have pushed a little too hard on those hills Sunday and got myself a little bit of runner knee. Boooo! I iced it, took ibuprofen AND have been wearing compression socks all night while I pack! Seems to be helping - so yay! The five days in Vegas there will be no treadmill running in hotel gym. I'm going to let that knee properly rest...this way I'm ready to ease back in next week.

I'm SO excited to go back to Vegas (went last year too)...had an absolute blast. And you know, what they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (or ends up on my blog?!?).

Here are some visual catch-ups from this week...and see you all next week!

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