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Monday, March 25, 2013

if at first you don't succeed...

Helloooo and happy Monday (trying to be positive!).

I'm happy to report that it seems I'm back on the mend running wise. Although, if I had updated this blog post directly following Friday's run, it would probably say something different.

Struggled ALOT on Friday with super painful, achey, bloated legs thanks to being 43 & my hormones having their way with me. (I've had all sorts of test, I'm in very good health and all signs point to this being PMS related - sorry if that's TMI - but welcome to the land of perimenopause!). The 2 miles I ran Friday felt like 20 miles. It was a bad run. One that actually had me scared to give it another go on Sunday for my virtual 5k. The good news? I was smart enough to take a full rest day on Saturday and then tackle my 5k late in the day yesterday. It was a considerably BETTER run. The first mile dragged on forever but by the close of mile 3, I was feeling pretty strong with minimal discomfort in the legs. I'm taking the approach that alot of little runs are going to help build me back up. Although my virtual 5k results weren't the best they have ever been, it still ranks in my top three, so I'll take it!

As for the plan for the week? I keep dragging ass (again, sorry, I'm in PMS mode!) on strength training. I KNOW I need to do it, but ugh, I just want to run and run. You would think I'd learn this lesson over and over by now wouldn't you? Ha! Guess not.

 Either way, I'm thrilled to be "back up and running". Certainly not where I was, but I'm getting my runner legs back and that's all that matters!

stay strong!

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