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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Post Nemo

Hi my blogo-rific readers...not a ton to report on the post Nemo front. Spent the majority of the day and part of the early evening helping family members digging out. I originally planned on still doing my day 4 of 30 Day Shred but I am pretty damn sure with all the shoveling and digging out I did must have burned some serious calories. So, for tonight, I am cozied up and letting this bod relax. Tomorrow I will tackle a short outdoor run in the neighborhood. The snow is packed pretty hard and I think it should be fine to give it a go...plus it's going to be a balmy 34 degrees (right now it's 20)! Also plan on day 4 of Shred, and oh, that 6 pack abs DVD is no joke! My abs are aching today! Literally aching! 

And it feels awesome.

Have a lovely evening folks & enjoy some pics from the 'hood!

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