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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Running - a family affair

This will be a short post just to share the most amazing, happy thing that happened to me. Today, the two girlies that are as close as I will ever get to having my own children ran with me today! They both wanted to try the couch to 5k program, so late in the day, I set the app to day 1, week 1 and off we went. It was such a perfect 30 minutes. The girls could barely believe that we did over 2 miles. And, as if this day didn't bring me enough joy, I also got to realize just how far I have come as a runner.

When I started the C25k app, I barely got through day 1. My breath lost, my legs weak.

Today, it was a joy to do an easy jog/walk and discovered for myself that pace which has eluded me.
The "conversational" pace. It's a slow pace but I guess that's the point. Tomorrow I am going on my long run and going to work again at an easier pace for a mile intermittent with harder push pace. Let's make it fun & switch it up!

Today reminded me that the feeling of doing what I truly love, & sharing it with those I adore can not be replaced by any other feeling. I am truly blessed.

I am a runner.

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