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Friday, January 18, 2013

heed the warning, feed your body!

After clearance from the doc yesterday, I went out and got my run on! Woohoo! Felt so good, I had gone 4 days too long without my running fix. Just another reminder that running is truly a part of my spirit now.

Looking forward to my long weekend run, which i already know will be a bit more of a challenge than last week's due to my stomach battles (I can see the slow pace time already). Happily, it looks like that's a hurdle I'm ready to jump over and run past --because I've got to do some real reading up on how to fuel this body properly. I've learned a valuable lesson (again) this week. You must, MUST listen to your body and find the best ways to keep it moving. Its astonishing to me that eating enough and eating properly (ie enough nutrients, protein, etc) continues to be such a challenge for me. I need to understand the weakenesses so I can actively make the effort to address them. If I'm going to push myself to run further, get stronger, than I need to give my body all the right things to support that effort.

That said, I'm dedicating this section in today's blog to some healthy eating tips, tricks and general information.

I think that will have me (and you, my blog-o-rama readers!) off to a pretty good start. I've been great at setting "running" and "fitness" related goals for myself, but not food goals .I think each week I'm going to adopt a new food (smoothies!?!) that will aid me in getting my body to a place where I know I'm feeding it what it needs, when it needs it. It will be a challenge, but that's what makes it fun, right? Right!
Have a fantabulous weekend all, I'm sure I'll be checking in on Sunday with some long run results!

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