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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

lemons to lemonade

Hi-dee-hoo blogarama readers!

Just want to share with you that I think I am finally, FINALLY, coming out the other side of what apparently turned out to be a perfect storm of virus bugs! The stomach issue, per the doc, will take a couple months to exit my system...will be on meds for a couple months to heal the belly. Secondly, thank God for flu shots. On Sunday morning I started to feel full blown sick, achy body, chills, etc but no fever - turns out I was exposed to the flu bug but because of my shot, only suffered some of the symptoms over the past few days. Luckily, I'm on the mend. Still not normal (but was i ever? ha!) - but feel better than yesterday. So a big yay!

I also wanted to share that on Sunday, when I was feeling to sick to do my long 5 mile run, but insisted on pushing my luck with a 3.1 run - I quietly decided to submit my time to the Anywhere5K virtual Fun Fur Run Virtual 5k! Turns out I placed 52nd out of 90, which considering it was the start of my feeling like H-E-double-hockey-sticks - isn't half bad! Although I still stand by what I said yesterday, that I should NOT have run on Sunday, that I should have paid attention to my body...but I still turned lemons into lemonade and turned a negative in a positive...and for that I am darn tootin' PROUD!

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