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Saturday, September 29, 2012

back on track

The injury is doing better, and i'm back on track food wise and exercise wise. 


Did a mini workout last night after a huge healthy salad stocked with avocado and other yummies. Today I ate my much missed greek yogurt and granola...and then I tackled the elliptical. Session improvement over the one I did earlier in the week.

Its funny that I burn more calories in a 20 minute session than I did run/walking the nearly 3 miles. I know I've mentioned this before but I'm curious as to how and why this is...looks like i'll be an inquiring mind later on Holly Perkins facebook fitness page. That said, still missing the running, and the temptation to jump back in is a strong one (because the injury is slowly feeling better) - but part of me knows better...therefore i'm keeping the desire at bay. All in good time.

So the funny irony? Tomorrow I leave for a 4 day trip to NYC! Which means, any schedule i've gotten myself back on is going to get disrupted again. But that's okay...i've missed my city and i'm SO ready to visit old haunts and old friends.

And besides, i'll be WALKING everywhere. I want to soak in every ounce of my glorious city. And there will be plenty of options for healthy eats in the city that never sleeps.

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