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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Hello blog-o-festive readers!

As I sit here typing out today's post I'm staring out the window at snow beginning to fall. SIGH. Is it Spring yet???

So, today...I'm going to talk about motivation. Specifically my motivation, or actually, over the past month my LACK of motivation. My overwhelming lack of desire to get up, out and run. My lack of motivation to hit the gym or lift a weight.

Yes, I have been keeping "active" sporadically here and there...but certainly not where I was. Doing 20 push-ups here and there, did not adequately compensate for the gym work-outs I was doing over a month ago.

And yes. I did announce that I would not beat myself up over indulging a little this month or not being my crazy runner/weight lifting self...HOWEVER...

I think somewhere along the line the "not beating myself up" turned into a big, giant, enormous excuse to do close to NOTHING during this month of Christmas AND, in case I hadn't mentioned,  the month of my 44th birthday (on the 29th in case you are wondering :). 

And yes, I was sick for a good two weeks from Thanksgiving week into the first week and a half of December. BUT, then I got better, and sure I had allergy struggles due to the new kitty but THAT was NOT a valid excuse to stop moving. And to be honest, my "rule of thumb" for this festive month was to allow myself to indulge in some foods I don't normally indulge in but still keep up my running atleast 3 times a week.

Ask me how THAT went? Yeah, exactly, it didn't.

Sooo...that brings us to TODAY. Technically, this morning. I went to bed very, very early last night - 10:15pm to be exact. Something I do not usually do, but really felt my body needed it. And boy was I right...that combined with finally getting some 24hr Claritin-D in my system for the allergies to the kitty, I awoke at 5am feeling like a new person. I mean seriously, I felt amazing. I laid there trying to doze back off, but had this nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, I should go out for a short run before the next round of snow hit. And then, it happened, that negative voice said "you won't go for a run, you don't even run anymore...stop fooling yourself.".

By 6am I was throwing on my clothes, feeding the cat and getting ready to head out the door. And before I did, I checked the temp. 8 DEGREES.

I didn't care, I was going to run. Just around the blocks near my house since there is no sidewalk room since the last round of snow piling up on the main roads.

2 miles later I was practically giddy. GIDDY I tell you. How I missed running and how I missed running in crazy ass frigid weather. It makes me feel super-duper bad ass, I have to confess! And although my pace was super slow - due to black ice everywhere - it was the best 2 miles EVER. I am re-connected with the energy that has been propelling me through my year. 

My plan is to run, run & run through the rest of December. I always talk about the connection of the mind, body and spirit. How moving the body, and challenging the mind (when it tries to negative talk ya!) will inspire your spirit.

Today, I'm walking proof of that theory. I feel more alive today than I have in weeks and weeks. Running & being active and healthy does that for me and it is a gift I want to share...you will not regret moving yourself off that couch. Challenge yourself and see how you feel after you get moving...I guarantee you will feel pride in getting up and going...whatever that may look like for you - whether its walking, running, working out, lifting some weights in your living room...whatever it is you CAN do it. You just have to push through and find your motivation.

stay strong!


  1. running in cold weather IS badass -- hoping the snow cooperates and leaves me room to run a little tomorrow!

  2. Glad that you were able to get back out there and do a run. I know that I always feel better after I go for my run, even though sometimes it is painfully hard to motivate myself to get out of my cozy bed. You are a badass for running in 8 degrees.

    1. AW, thanks! It does feel badass running in ridiculous cold...LOL! I'm with you on the "hard to get out the door part"...but once I'm out there, I'm always glad I am :) Thank you for the comment too - let's me know people are reading this thing!

  3. Hopping over from the Running Blogs group on FB. So happy to have found another 40-something gal who is new to this crazy running thing.:)

    It's funny how sometimes we forget how good a run makes us feel and how easy it is to put it off for one reason or another.

    1. Yay another 40 something gal! Phew! Nice to know I'm not alone out here...LOL. Thank you for the comment, it is appreciated. Running is something I've learned that only other runners can understand why we love it so. I know now I just can't let that much time go again...but, on some level it re-awakened my love for it...soooo I guess not a completely bad thing!
