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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Midnight by Surprise aka We Got a Kitten!

As suggested by a friend, in addition to my usual posts, it seems necessary I devote at least one short blog entry to our new baby "Midnight"! He is a 5 week old black kitten that I had NO idea we were getting - he was delivered to us this past Sunday. My man had it in the works for about a week. He got Midnight (as we have named him!)  from a good friend who does so much in the way of amazing volunteer animal work it blows my mind. This little baby was found with a sister and a brother in the woods inside a rubber maid container. The mama apparently took very good care of them in the woods and then the woman who found them also took VERY good care of these babies. In fact at 5 weeks old they are already litter box trained!

He is a big time cuddler, rare for a cat I think. He literally cries until you pick him up. As someone that has never had a pet, nor been a "momma" to anything, at first, it freaked me out a bit. The idea that something so little is depending on me to take care of it really shakes my world up. My honey had a cat before (Hobbes) who I loved to pieces and lived to a ripe old age of 22 years...but still he wasn't my cat, and I didn't know him when he was a kitten. Which brings me to the new glow of "motherhood" for this little baby. Its going to be a learning curve for me...but one i'm sure i'll get through successfully.

So without further adieu - here is our baby Midnight!

Late for work this morning because I needed this selfie of me and the baby!

Hobbes used to do this ALL the time when I was in the bathroom!

On Sunday, holding this little tiny bundle.

Me with my honey, and our wonderful friend Larna who is responsible for 
bringing Midnight into our lives!

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