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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas approaches...time crunch!

Hellooooo my dear blog-o-rama readers....!!!

As Christmas rapidly approaches I'm finding less and less time to blog, in fact I slacked off on my "The December Days of Why I Run" entry yesterday. So today I will be posting two on my Instagram account (my id on there is "filmstarco" if anyone is interest in following)!

I think its worth mentioning that today is my first day of vacation! I have ten more glorious days off until I return to the grind and I plan to make the most out of every single day. Today...guess what I did? Come on you know. You KNOW.

I ran! And not just ran, but RAN. My pace was consistent for all 3.1 miles and was very impressive. Today was really just a perfect run. I keep discovering that I am so much stronger a runner when I'm not going in circles...once my feet get moving I just go and go and go and then the next thing I know my miles are adding up and the rhythm of my feet resulted in the most beautiful pace - 10:12 minutes.The next run will probably be Sunday morning since I won't have time Christmas Eve day or Christmas day for that matter. You know you are in love with running when you are already trying to map out your time to allow for it.

Next up...for the first time in my travels on foot, I came across another runner. Now, when I'm at the park, yes on occasion I see another runner, but this time I was on the road and this older man was running toward me. As he approached, we made eye contact and did the nod of acknowledgment at each other. It felt AMAZING. I think my eyes might have filled with tears a couple seconds afterwards because I truly, TRULY realized that I am a runner. I know every few entries I say that, but I guess its because I'm still trying to convince myself. I keep fearing that someone will strip me of this magic love for running and reveal I'm not a runner at all. But when that man nodded at me, it was like I belonged. Really belonged. As if there is some club now out there in the world that I can say I'm a member of. And its not easy. Running. It is NOT easy. I'm sure once you get stronger and stronger, yes, you have easy runs (i'm starting too now)...but even in the midst of mile two today, i thought, "why am i doing this???" and then I just kept running and decided to go the extra mile because I could and because I WANTED to. And the only thing that could stop me was myself, and I wasn't going to let that happen. And that's when I crossed paths with the other runner and found the motivation to keep going. With every run I complete, I am earning my membership to this runner club. A right earned and valued and cherished.

After the perfect run today, I went home, showered up and then headed out to finish my Christmas shopping. In my Target travels I discovered these little beauties...and I HAD to have them, because today, I felt like Wonder Woman. I felt like everything fell in to place for my run and I felt like a superhero. I know there are runners with far FAR faster paces but for me...in the past two months since my October 20th 5K Race, I have shaved nearly 10 minutes off my run time. I'm astounded. And in awe. It feels good to feel this way. I know that not every run will be this good, but atleast I know I have the potential and athletic ability to have a 3 mile "easy" run. That's not something I could say until today.

I'll also need some of those super powers and super energy for the next few days leading up to Christmas! Lots of visiting, baking, cooking, wrapping, hosting...but finally, after a very rough month and a half I'm happy and relieved to say things are returned a bit more back to normal. But i'm going to wear my Wonder Woman undies just in case there is a day I need to save or an overcooked sugar cookie at risk!

Merry Merry everybody!

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