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Monday, September 10, 2012

a healing day

I'm getting some really great, positive feedback on my blog lately. Guess my passion and new found true love for diving into fitness and nutrition is a topic that is contagious, so yay for that!

This weekend was a quick one...built in time to do my couch to 5k session on Saturday morning, but had no time for anything on Sunday. That said, it was for more than a worthy cause - I volunteered at a Pink Heals event which raises money and awareness for women with cancer. A subject that could not hit closer to home for me. A day filled with love, laughter and a few tears, though I didn't want them to flow. It felt too good to celebrate the memory of my beautiful mom then to ruin it with selfish tears.

me & my dad - we signed the Pink Heals truck in memory of my mom

While I was working the event I had the opportunity to talk to some folks about my health/wellness interests and was greeted with lots of support. What shocked me more than anything is I'm getting to a place where I can articulate WHY i'm doing this. I'm no longer stumbling over words, feeling like I need to justify it. This is now my lifestyle, part of who I am...I don't want to ever have to turn back from this road. The marriage of the conversation with the event I was at seemed fitting. As mentioned in other areas of this blog - I am getting fit for me, but also in honor of my mom. Her body betrayed her spirit, so I've decided to fight like hell for my body so that it reflects my spirit, not betrays it. My inner strength has always been there, but the shell was weak.

no more.

I want unity. I want what I feel inside to reflect on my outside. I want and need to keep going. This isn't about losing weight, since that wasn't entirely my issue. But it shouldn't be that way for anyone in my opinion. I mean, of course, that is a component - can't deny that - but the focus, to me atleast, shouldn't be on the scale. Its about feeling better, getting yourself in shape enough to be able to enjoy the adventure that is your life.

And I still have a lot of livin' to do...and since that livin' includes my Couch to 5K training - so here are some stats! (you didn't really think I wouldn't share this, did you?!?)

Saturday - starting to slow pace for 3 minute intervals of running.

this morning's new interval session, impressed with my max pace which reflects the 3 minute run block. woohoo!

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